Content Posted in 2025
A 3D Visual Interface for Critiquing-based Recommenders: Architecture and Interaction, David Contreras, María Salamó, Inmaculada Rodríguez, and Anna Puig
A Bibliometric Overview of the International Journal of Interactive Multimedia and Artificial Intelligence, Enrique Herrera-Viedma, Hugo Baier-Fuentes, Jesús Cascón-Katchadourian, José Merigó, and M A. Martínez
A Case-based Reasoning Approach to Validate Grammatical Gender and Number Agreement in Spanish language, Jorge Bacca, Silvia Baldiris, Ramon Fabregat, and Cecilia Avila
A Case-Based Reasoning Model Powered by Deep Learning for Radiology Report Recommendation, Elvira Amador-Domínguez, Emilio Serrano, Daniel Manrique, and Javier Bajo
Accessing Wireless Sensor Networks Via Dynamically Reconfigurable Interaction Models, Maria Cecilia Gomes, Hervé Paulino, Adérito Baptista, and Filipe Araújo
Accurate location estimation of moving object In Wireless Sensor network, M Sati, S Verma, and Vijay Bhaskar-Semwal
Achieving Fair Inference Using Error-Prone Outcomes, Laura Boeschoten, Erik-Jan van Kesteren, Ayoub Bagheri, and Daniel L. Oberski
A Client-Server System for Ubiquitous Video Service, Ronit Nossenson, Orit Yudilevich, and Omer Marlowitz
A Clustering Algorithm Based on an Ensemble of Dissimilarities: An Application in the Bioinformatics Domain, Manuel Martín Merino, Alfonso José López Rivero, Vidal Alonso, Marcelo Vallejo, and Antonio Ferreras
A Collaborative Filtering Probabilistic Approach for Recommendation to Large Homogeneous and Automatically Detected Groups, Jesús Bobadilla, Abraham Gutiérrez, Santiago Alonso, and Remigio Hurtado
A Comparative Analysis of Machine Learning Models for Banking News Extraction by Multiclass Classification With Imbalanced Datasets of Financial News: Challenges and Solutions, Varun Dogra, Sahil Verma, Kavita Verma, NZ Jhanjhi, Uttam Ghosh, and Dac-Nhuong Le
A Comparative Evaluation of Bayesian Networks Structure Learning Using Falcon Optimization Algorithm, Hoshang Qasim Awla, Shahab Wahhab Kareem, and Amin Salih Mohammed
A Constraint-Based Model for Fast Post-Disaster Emergency Vehicle Routing, Roberto Amadini, Imane Sefrioui, Jacopo Mauro, and Maurizio Gabbrielli
A Convolution Neural Network Engine for Sclera Recognition, B S. Harish, M S. Maheshan, and N Nagadarshan
Acoustic Classification of Mosquitoes using Convolutional Neural Networks Combined with Activity Circadian Rhythm Information, Jaehoon Kim, Jeongkyu Oh, and Tae-Young Heo
A crystal ball made of agents, Jose Miguel Castillo
A Cybernetic Perspective on Generative AI in Education: From Transmission to Coordination, Dai Griffiths, Enrique Frías-Martínez, Ahmed Tlili, and Daniel Burgos
Adaptation of Applications to Compare Development Frameworks in Deep Learning for Decentralized Android Applications, Beatriz Sainz-de-Abajo, Sergio Laso, Jose Garcia-Alonso, and Javier Berrocal
Adaptive Deep Learning Detection Model for Multi-Foggy Images, Zainab Hussein Arif, Moamin Mahmoud, Karrar Hameed Abdulkareem, Seifedine Kadry, Mazin Abed Mohammed, Mohammed Nasser Al-Mhiqani, Alaa S. Al-Waisy, and Jan Nedoma
A Depth Video-based Human Detection and Activity Recognition using Multi-features and Embedded Hidden Markov Models for Health Care Monitoring Systems, Ahmad Jalal, Shaharyar Kamal, and Daijin Kim
A Distributed Intelligent System for Emergency Convoy, Mohammed Benalla, Boujemâa Achchab, and Hamid Hrimech
A Diverse Domain Generative Adversarial Network for Style Transfer on Face Photographs, Rabia Tahir, Keyang Cheng, Bilal Ahmed Memon, and Qing Liu
A Diversity-Accuracy Measure for Homogenous Ensemble Selection, Taleb Zouggar and A Adla
Adjectives Grouping in a Dimensionality Affective Clustering Model for Fuzzy Perceptual Evaluation, Wenlin Huang, Qun Wu, Nilanjan Dey, Amira Ashour, Simon James Fong, and Rubén González-Crespo
ADT-3D Tumor Detection Assistant in 3D, Jaime García Castellot and Jaime Lazcano Bello
A Fault-Tolerant Mobile Computing Model Based On Scalable Replica, Vijay Bhaskar-Semwal, Meenakshi Sati, Vivek Vikash, Vishwanath Bijalwan, Pinki Kumari, Manish Raj, Meenu Balodhi, and Priya Gairola
A Feature Extraction Method Based on Feature Fusion and its Application in the Text-Driven Failure Diagnosis Field, Shenghan Zhou, Bang Chen, Yue Zhang, HouXiang Liu, Yiyong Xiao, and Xing Pan
A Fine-Grained Model to Assess Learner-Content and Methodology Satisfaction in Distance Education, Magdalena Cantabella, Raquel Martínez-España, Belén López, and Andrés Muñoz
A Fine Grain Sentiment Analysis with Semantics in Tweets, Ismael Navas-Delgado, José Aldana-Montes, Cristobal Barba Gonzalez, and José García-Nieto
A Fuzzy-Based Multimedia Content Retrieval Method Using Mood Tags and Their Synonyms in Social Networks, Chang Bae Moon, Jong Yeol Lee, and Byeong Man Kim
A fuzzy c-means bi-sonar-based Metaheuristic Optimization Algorithm, Koffka Khan and Ashok Sahai
A Fuzzy Group Prioritization Method for Deriving Weights and its Software Implementation, Tarifa Almulhim, Ludmil Mikhailov, and Dong-Ling Xu
A Fuzzy Linguistic RFM Model Applied to Campaign Management, Enrique Herrera-Viedma, Ramón Alberto Carrasco, María Francisca Blasco, and Jesús García-Madariaga
A Generalized Wine Quality Prediction Framework by Evolutionary Algorithms, Terry Hui-Ye Chiu, Chienwen Wu, and Chun-Hao Chen
Agile Values and Their Implementation in Practice, Eva Maria Schön, María José Escalona, and Jörg Thomaschewski
A Grammatical Approach to the Modeling of an Autonomous Robot, Gabriel López-García, A. Javier Gallego-Sánchez, Rafael Molina-Carmona, Patricia Compañ-Rosique, and Luis Dalmau-Espert
A Greedy Randomized Adaptive Search With Probabilistic Learning for solving the Uncapacitated Plant Cycle Location Problem, Israel López-Plata, Christopher Expósito-Izquierdo, Eduardo Lalla-Ruiz, Belén Melián-Batista, and J. Marcos Moreno-Vega
A Holistic Methodology for Improved RFID Network Lifetime by Advanced Cluster Head Selection using Dragonfly Algorithm, Pramod Singh Rathore, Abhishek Kumar, and Vicente García-Díaz
A Hybrid Algorithm for Recognizing the Position of Ezafe Constructions in Persian Texts, Mehrnoush Shamsfard and Samira Noferesti
A Hybrid Approach for Android Malware Detection and Family Classification, Meghna Dhalaria and Ekta Gandotra
A Hybrid Parallel Classification Model for the Diagnosis of Chronic Kidney Disease, Vijendra Singh and Divya Jain
A Hybrid Secure Cloud Platform Maintenance Based on Improved Attribute-Based Encryption Strategies, Abhishek Kumar, Swarn Avinash Kumar, Vishal Dutt, Ashutosh Kumar Dubey, and Sushil Narang
AI Sport Forecast Software, Kiyomi Cerezo Takahashi
A Low Cost and Computationally Efficient Approach for Occlusion Handling in Video Surveillance Systems, Rakesh Chandra Joshi, Adithya Gaurav Singh, Mayank Joshi, and Sanjay Mathur
Alzheimer Disease Detection Techniques and Methods: A Review, Sitara Afzal, Muazzam Maqsood, Umair Khan, Irfan Mehmood, Hina Nawaz, Farhan Aadil, Oh-Young Song, and Yunyoung Nam
A MAS-Based Cloud Service Brokering System to Respond Security Needs of Cloud Customers, Jamal Talbi and Abdelkrim Haqiq
A Method of the Coverage Ratio of Street Trees Based on Deep Learning, Wen Han, Lei Cao, and Sheng Xu
A Mix Model of Discounted Cash-Flow and OWA Operators for Strategic Valuation, Jesús Doña, la David Red, and José Peláez
A Model for Planning TELCO Work-Field Activities Enabled by Genetic and Ant Colony Algorithms, João Henriques and Filipe Caldeira
A multi-agent system model to integrate Virtual Learning Environments and Intelligent Tutoring Systems, Cecilia Giuffra and Ricardo Silveria
A Multicriteria Optimization for Flight Route Networks in Large-Scale Airlines Using Intelligent Spatial Information, Mostafa Borhani, Kamal Akbari, Aliakbar Matkan, and Mohammad Tanasan
An Adapted Approach for User Profiling in a Recommendation System: Application to Industrial Diagnosis, Noria Taghezout, Fatima Zohra Benkaddour, Fatima Zahra Kaddour-Ahmed, and Ilyes-Ahmed Hammadi
An Agent-Based Approach for Data Fusion in Homeland Security, Jose Miguel Castillo and Rafael Solis-Montes
An Agent-Based Approach for Evaluating Basic Design Options of Management Accounting Systems, Friederike Wall
Analysis of Bullying in Cooperative Multi-agent Systems’ Communications, Celia Gutierrez
Analysis of Gait Pattern to Recognize the Human Activities, Vijay Bhaskar-Semwal, Pushkar Dixit, Nishant Singh, and Jay Prakash Gupta
Analysis of Log File Data to Understand Mobile Service Context and Usage Patterns, Bernhard Klein, Ivan Pretel, Sacha Vanhecke, Ana Lago, and Diego Lopez-de-Ipiña
Analysis of Security Mechanisms Based on Clusters IoT Environments, Carlos Enrique Montenegro-Marin, Paulo Alonso Gaona-García, Juan David Prieto, and Yuri Vanessa Nieto
Analyzing the EEG Signals in Order to Estimate the Depth of Anesthesia using Wavelet and Fuzzy Neural Networks, Mansour Esmaeilpour and Ali Reis Ali Mohammadi
An Analysis Architecture for Communications in Multi-agent Systems, Celia Gutierrez
An analytic Study of the Key Factors Influencing the Design and Routing Techniques of a Wireless Sensor Network, Deepak Punetha, Yogita Bahuguna, and Pooja Verma
An Application of Declarative Languages in Distributed Architectures: ASP and DALI Microservices, Stefania Costantini, Giovanni De Gasperis, and Lorenzo De Lauretis
An Architecture Approach for 3D Render Distribution using Mobile Devices in Real Time, Holman Bolivar-Baron, John Alexander Velandia, Jenny Natalia Torres, and de Elena Giménez Ory
An Automated Negotiation-based Framework via Multi-Agent System for the Construction Domain, Moamin Mahmoud, Mohd Sharifuddin Ahmad, Mohd Zaliman Yuso, and Arazi Idrus
An EEG Signal Recognition Algorithm During Epileptic Seizure Based on Distributed Edge Computing, Shi Qiu, Keyang Cheng, Tao Zhou, Rabia Tahir, and Liang Ting
An Effective Approach for Mobile ad hoc Network via I-Watchdog Protocol, Nidhi Lal
An Effective Hybrid Butterfly Optimization Algorithm with Artificial Bee Colony for Numerical Optimization, Sankalap Arora and Satvir Singh
An Effective Tool for the Experts' Recommendation Based on PROMETHEE II and Negotiation: Application to the Industrial Maintenance, Nawal Sad Houari and Noria Taghezout
An Efficient Bet-GCN Approach for Link Prediction, Rahul Saxena, Spandan Pankaj Patil, Atul Kumar Verma, Mahipal Jadeja, Pranshu Vyas, Vikrant Bhateja, and Jerry Chun-Wei Lin
An Efficient Fake News Detection System Using Contextualized Embeddings and Recurrent Neural Network, Junaid Ali Reshi and Rashid Ali
An Efficient Probabilistic Methodology to Evaluate Web Sources as Data Source for Warehousing, Hariom Sharan Sinha, Saket Kumar Choudhary, and Vijender Kumar Solanki
An Elitist Non-Dominated Multi-Objective Genetic Algorithm Based Temperature Aware Circuit Synthesis, Apangshu Das and Sambhu Nath Pradhan
An Empirical Evaluation of Machine Learning Techniques for Crop Prediction, G. Mariammal, A. Suruliandi, S. P. Raja, and E. Poongothai
An Empiric Analysis of Wavelet-Based Feature Extraction on Deep Learning and Machine Learning Algorithms for Arrhythmia Classification, Ritu Singh, Navin Rajpal, and Rajesh Mehta
An Enhanced Texture-Based Feature Extraction Approach for Classification of Biomedical Images of CT-Scan of Lungs, Varun Srivastava, Shilpa Gupta, Gopal Chaudhary, Arun Balodi, Manju Khari, and Vicente García-Díaz
An Ensemble Classifier for Stock Trend Prediction Using Sentence-Level Chinese News Sentiment and Technical Indicators, Chun-Hao Chen, Po-Yeh Chen, and Jerry Chun-Wei Lin
A Network Based Methodology to Reveal Patterns in Knowledge Transfer, Orlando López-Cruz and Nelson Obregón
An Event Mesh for Event Driven IoT Applications, Roberto Berjón, Montserrat Mateos, M. Encarnación Beato, and Ana Fermoso García
An Evolutionary Approach for Learning Opponent's Deadline and Reserve Points in Multi-Issue Negotiation, R Ayachi, H Bouhani, and Ben Amor
A New Approach for Hiding Image Based on the Signature of Coeficients, Tawfiq Al-asadi, Israa Hadi Ali, and kadhem kareem Abdul Abdul Abdul kadhem
A New Feature Selection Method based on Intuitionistic Fuzzy Entropy to Categorize Text Documents, B S. Harish and M B. Revanasiddappa
A New Protection for Android Applications, ER-RAJY Latifa and My Ahmed EL-KIRAM
A New Technique in saving Fingerprint with low volume by using Chaos Game and Fractal Theory, M Jampour, A Soleymani, M Ashourzadeh, Yaghoobi, and M M. Mohammad
An Example in Remote Computing Over the Internet applied to Geometry, Miguel Ferreira and Miguel Casquilho
An Experimental Study on Microarray Expression Data from Plants under Salt Stress by using Clustering Methods, Houda Fyad, Fatiha Barigou, and Karim Bouamrane
An Extensive Analysis of Machine Learning Based Boosting Algorithms for Software Maintainability Prediction, Shikha Gupta and Anuradha Chug
An Extensive Evaluation of Portfolio Approaches for Constraint Satisfaction Problems, Roberto Amadini, Jacopo Mauro, and Maurizio Gabbrielli
An Extreme Learning Machine-Relevance Feedback Framework for Enhancing the Accuracy of a Hybrid Image Retrieval System, B Shikha, P Gitanjali, and D. Pawan Kumar
An Improved Artificial Intelligence Based on Gray Wolf Optimization and Cultural Algorithm to Predict Demand for Dairy Products: A Case Study, Alireza Goli, Hassan Khademi Zare, Reza Tavakkoli-Moghaddam, and Ahmad Sadeghieh
An Integrated Learning Analytics Approach for Virtual Vocational Training Centers, Ralf Klamma, de Peter Lange, Alexander Tobias Neumann, and Petru Nicolaescu
An Intelligent Technique for Grape Fanleaf Virus Detection, Mojtaba Mohammadpoor, Mohadese Gerami Nooghabi, and Zahra Ahmedi
An Investigation Into Different Text Representations to Train an Artificial Immune Network for Clustering Texts, Matheus A. Ferraria, Vinicius A. Ferraria, and Leandro N. de Castro
An IoT Based Predictive Connected Car Maintenance Approach, Vijender Kumar Solanki and Rohit Dhall
Annotation and Visualization in Android: An Application for Education and Real Time Information, Holman Bolivar-Baron, Rubén González-Crespo, Renato Baranona Neri, and Gustavo Millan Lopez
Anomaly based Intrusion Detection using Modified Fuzzy Clustering, B S. Harish and S V. A Kumar
A Novel Approach on Visual Question Answering by Parameter Prediction using Faster Region Based Convolutional Neural Network, Sudan Jha, Anirban Dey, Raghvendra Kumar, and Vijender Kumar-Solanki
A Novel Fog Computing Approach for Minimization of Latency in Healthcare using Machine Learning, Amit Kishor, Chinmay Chakraborty, and Wilson Jeberson
A Novel Hybrid Approach for Fast Block Based Motion Estimation, Shaifali Arora, Kavita Khanna, and Navin Rajpal
A Novel Smart Grid State Estimation Method Based on Neural Networks, Mohamed Abdel-Nasser, Karar Mahmoud, and Heba Kashef
A Novel Technique to Detect and Track Multiple Objects in Dynamic Video Surveillance Systems, M. Adimoolam, Senthilkumar Mohan, John A., and Gautam Srivastava
Antimicrobial Resistance Prediction in Intensive Care Unit for Pseudomonas Aeruginosa using Temporal Data-Driven Models, Àlvar Hernàndez-Carnerero, Miquel Sànchez-Marrè, Inmaculada Mora-Jiménez, Cristina Soguero-Ruiz, Sergio Martínez-Agüero, and Joaquín Álvarez-Rodríguez
Antipatterns: A Compendium of Bad Practices in Software Development Processes, Rubén González-Crespo, S J. Bolaños-Castro, and V H. Medina-Garcia
A Platform for Swimming Pool Detection and Legal Verification Using a Multi-Agent System and Remote Image Sensing, Héctor Sánchez San Blas, Antía Carmona Balea, André Sales Mendes, Luís Augusto Silva, and Gabriel Villarrubia González
Application of Artificial Intelligence Algorithms Within the Medical Context for Non-Specialized Users: the CARTIER-IA Platform, Francisco García-Peñalvo, Andrea Vázquez-Ingelmo, Alicia García-Holgado, Jesús Sampedro-Gómez, Antonio Sánchez-Puente, Víctor Vicente-Palacios, P. Ignacio Dorado-Díaz, and Pedro L. Sánchez
Application of Hybrid Agents to Smart Energy Management of a Prosumer Node, Pasquale Caianiello, Stefania Costantini, Giovanni De Gasperis, and Mario Gimenez De Lorenzo
Application of Multiobjective Evolutionary Techniques for Robust Portfolio Optimization, Sandra Garcia-Rodriguez
Applying Bayesian Regularization for Acceleration of Levenberg-Marquardt based Neural Network Training, Azizah Suliman and Batyrkhan Omarov
Approach for solving multimodal problems using Genetic Algorithms with Grouped into Species optimized with Predator-Prey, Pablo Seoane, Marcos Gestal, and Julián Dorado
A Probability-based Evolutionary Algorithm with Mutations to Learn Bayesian Networks, Sho Fukuda, Yuuma Yamanaka, and Takuya Yoshihiro
A Prototype for linear features generalization, Rubén González-Crespo, Andrés Castillo-Sanz, and Wenceslao Lorezo
A Quantitative Justification to Dynamic Partial Replication of Web Contents through an Agent Architecture, Rubén González-Crespo, Enrique Torres-Franco, Luis Joyanes Aguilar, Oscar Sanjuan-Martinez, and José Daniel García
A Real Time Approach to Theft Prevention in the field of Transportation System, Vishwanath Bijalwan, Vartika Mehta, and Deepak Punetha
A Recent Trend in Individual Counting Approach Using Deep Network, Anahita Ghazvini, Siti Norul Huda Sheikh Abdullah, and Masri Ayob
Are Instructed Emotional States Suitable for Classification? Demonstration of How They Can Significantly Influence the Classification Result in An Automated Recognition System, Martin Magdin and F Prikler
A Repository of Semantic Open EHR Archetypes, Fernando Sánchez, Samuel Benavides, Fernando Moreno, Guillermo Garzón, del Maria Mar Roldan-Garcia, Ismael Navas-Delgado, and José Aldana-Montes
A REST Service for Triangulation of Point Sets Using Oriented Matroids, Jose Antonio Valero Medina and Ivan Lizarazo Salcedo
A review about Smart Objects, Sensors, and Actuators, Cristian González García, Daniel Meana-Llorián, Cristina Pelayo G-Bustelo, and Juan Manuel Cueva-Lovelle
A Review of Artificial Intelligence in the Internet of Things, Cristian González García, Edward Núñez-Valdez, Vicente García-Díaz, Cristina Pelayo G-Bustelo, and Juan Manuel Cueva-Lovelle
A Review on Block Matching Motion Estimation and Automata Theory based Approaches for Fractal Coding, Shailesh Kamble, Nileshsingh Thakur, and Preeti Bajaj
A Revision of Preventive Web-based Psychotherapies in Subjects at Risk of Mental Disorders, Teresa Sánchez-Gutiérrez, Sara Barbeito, and Ana Calvo
Artificial Canaries: Early Warning Signs for Anticipatory and Democratic Governance of AI, Carla Zoe Cremer and Jess Whittlestone
Artificial Intelligence and Spirituality, José Fernando Calderero Hernández
Artificial Intelligence Applied to Project Success: A Literature Review, Juan Carlos Fernandez-Rodriguez and Daniel Magaña Martínez
Artificial intelligence methodologies applied to quality control of the positioning services offered by the Red Andaluza de Posicionamiento (RAP) network, Elena Giménez and Antonio José Gil
Artificial Intelligence Seen Through the Lens of Bateson’s Ecology of Mind, Dai Griffiths
A Rule-Based Expert System for Teachers’ Certification in the Use of Learning Management Systems, Luisa M. Regueras, María Jesús Verdú, and Juan-Pablo de Castro
A Security Situation Awareness Approach for IoT Software Chain Based on Markov Game Model, Xudong Zhu and Honggao Deng
A Self-Calibration Method of Zooming Camera, Ismail El Batteoui, Abderrahim Saaidi, and Khalid Satori
A Smart Collaborative Educational Game with Learning Analytics to Support English Vocabulary Teaching, Ahmed Tlili, Sarra Hattab, Fathi Essalmi, Nian-Shing Chen, Ronghuai Huang, Kinshuk, Maiga Chang, and Daniel Burgos
A Solution Generator Algorithm for Decision Making based Automated Negotiation in the Construction Domain, Moamin Mahmoud, Mohd Sharifuddin Ahmad, Arazi Idrus, Azani Yahya, and Hapsa Husen
A Solution to the N-Queens Problem Using Biogeography-Based Optimization, Ali Habiboghli and Tayebeh Jalali
A Spatio-Temporal Attention Graph Convolutional Networks for Sea Surface Temperature Prediction, Desheng Chen, Jiabao Wen, and Caiyun Lv
Assessed by Machines: Development of a TAM-Based Tool to Measure AI-based Assessment Acceptance Among Students, José Carlos Sánchez-Prieto, Juan Cruz-Benito, Roberto Therón, and Francisco García-Peñalvo
Assessing Lexical-Semantic Regularities in Portuguese Word Embeddings, Hugo Gonçalo Oliveira, Tiago Sousa, and Ana Alves
Assessing Road Traffic Expression, Fábio Silva, Cesar Analide, and Paulo Novais
A Study on Persuasive Technologies: The Relationship between User Emotions, Trust and Persuasion, Wan Nooraishya Wan Ahmad and Nazlena Mohamad Ali
A Study on RGB Image Multi-Thresholding using Kapur/Tsallis Entropy and Moth-Flame Algorithm, V. Rajinikanth, Seifedine Kadry, Rubén González-Crespo, and Elena Verdú
A Survey on Data-Driven Evaluation of Competencies and Capabilities Across Multimedia Environments, Sofia Strukova, José A. Ruipérez-Valiente, and Félix Gómez Mármol
A Survey on Demand-Responsive Transportation for Rural and Interurban Mobility, Pasqual Martí, Jaume Jordán, María Angélica González Arrieta, and Vicente Julian
A Systematic Literature Review of Empirical Studies on Learning Analytics in Educational Games, Ahmed Tlili, Maiga Chang, Jewoong Moon, Zhichun Liu, Daniel Burgos, Nian-Shing Chen, and Kinshuk
A System to Generate SignWriting for Video Tracks Enhancing Accessibility of Deaf People, Rubén González-Crespo, Cristina Pelayo G-Bustelo, Elena Verdú, and M A. Martínez
A Temporal Distributed Group Decision Support System Based on Multi-Criteria Analysis, Hamdadou Djamila and Sofiane Khiat
A Topic Modeling Guided Approach for Semantic Knowledge Discovery in e-Commerce, V S. Anoop and S Asharaf
A Trustworthy Automated Short-Answer Scoring System Using a New Dataset and Hybrid Transfer Learning Method, Martinus Maslim, Hei-Chia Wang, Cendra Devayana Putra, and Yulius Denny Prabowo
Attention-based Multi-modal Sentiment Analysis and Emotion Detection in Conversation using RNN, Mahesh G. Huddar, Sanjeev S. Sannakki, and Vijay S. Rajpurohit
Attentive Flexible Translation Embedding in Top-N Sparse Sequential Recommendations, Min-Ji Seo and Myung-Ho Kim
Attesting Digital Discrimination Using Norms, Natalia Criado, Xavier Ferrer, and José M. Such
Audio-Visual Automatic Speech Recognition Using PZM, MFCC and Statistical Analysis, Saswati Debnath and Pinki Roy
A Useful Metaheuristic for Dynamic Channel Assignment in Mobile Cellular Systems, Deepak Kumar Singh, K Srinivas, and D Bhagwan Das
A User-centered Smartphone Application for Wireless EEG and its Role in Epilepsy, Sofía Ahufinger, Paloma Balugo, María Mercedes González, Elías Pequeño, Henar González, and Pilar Herrero
Auto-adaptative Robot-aided Therapy based in 3D Virtual Tasks controlled by a Supervised and Dynamic Neuro-Fuzzy System, Luis Daniel Lledó, Arturo Bertomeu, Jorge Díez, Francisco Javier Badesa, Ricardo Morales, José María Sabater, and Nicolas Garcia-Aracil
Automated code generation support for BI with MDA TALISMAN, H Fernández-Fernández, Juan Manuel Cueva-Lovelle, Vicente García-Díaz, Cristina Pelayo G-Bustelo, Oscar Sanjuan-Martinez, and Elías Palacios-González
Automated Detection of COVID-19 using Chest X-Ray Images and CT Scans through Multilayer- Spatial Convolutional Neural Networks, Muhammad Irfan Khattak, Mu’ath Al-Hasan, Atif Jan, Nasir Saleem, Elena Verdú, and Numan Khurshid
Automated ECG Analysis for Localizing Thrombus in Culprit Artery Using Rule Based Information Fuzzy Network, B S. Harish and C K. Roopa
Automatic Cell Counting With YOLOv5: A Fluorescence Microscopy Approach, Sebastián López Flórez, Alfonso González-Briones, Guillermo Hernández, Carlos Ramos, and Fernando de la Prieta
Automatic Classification of Oral Pathologies Using Orthopantomogram Radiography Images Based on Convolutional Neural Network, Anuradha Laishram and Khelchandra Thongam
Automatic Finding Trapezoidal Membership Functions in Mining Fuzzy Association Rules Based on Learning Automata, Z. Anari, A. Hatamlou, and B. Anari
Automatic Irony Detection using Feature Fusion and Ensemble Classifier, B S. Harish and Keerthi Kumar
Automatic Multimedia Creation Enriched with Dynamic Conceptual Data, Angel Martin, Haritz Iribas, Ion Alberdi, and Naiara Aginako
A Word Embedding Based Approach for Focused Web Crawling Using the Recurrent Neural Network, P. R. Joe Dhanith, B. Surendiran, and S. P. Raja
AWS PredSpot: Machine Learning for Predicting the Price of Spot Instances in AWS Cloud, Alejandro Baldominos Gómez, Yago Saez, David Quintana, and Pedro Isasi
Balance Your Work-Life: Personal Interactive Web-Interface, Soumi Majumder, Soumalya Chowdhury, Nilanjan Dey, and K. C. Santosh
Ball Convergence for Steffensen-type Fourth-order Methods, Ioannis Argyros and Santhosh George
Bayesian Knowledge Tracing for Navigation through Marzano’s Taxonomy, Francisco Cervantes-Pérez, Joaquin Navarro-Perales, Ana L. Franzoni-Velázquez, and Luis de-la-Fuente Valentín
Big Data and Health Economics: Opportunities, Challenges and Risks, Diego Bodas-Sagi and José Labeaga
Big Data and Learning Analytics in Blended Learning Environments: Benefits and Concerns, Anthony Picciano
Big Data and Public Health Systems: Issues and Opportunities, David Rojas and Javier Carnicero
Big Data & eLearning: A Binomial to the Future of the Knowledge Society, Vidal Alonso Secades and Olga Arranz
BILROST: Handling Actuators of the Internet of Things through Tweets on Twitter using a Domain- Specific Language, Daniel Meana-Llorián, Cristian González García, Cristina Pelayo G-Bustelo, and Juan Manuel Cueva-Lovelle
Binary Multi-Verse Optimization (BMVO) Approaches for Feature Selection, Rahul Hans and Harjot Kaur
Biomedical Term Extraction: NLP Techniques in Computational Medicine, Teófilo Redondo, Julia Díaz, Antonio Moreno Sandoval, and Leonardo Campillos Llanos
Biometry, the safe key, M Fraile-Hurtado, M Herrero-Langreo, P Menéndez-Miguel, and V Delgado-Villanueva
Blockchain Based Cloud Management Architecture for Maximum Availability, Alberto Arias Maestro, Oscar Sanjuan-Martinez, Ankur M. Teredesai, and Vicente García-Díaz
Blockchain-Enabled Platforms: Challenges and Recommendations, M. Inmaculada García Sáez
Blockchain for Healthcare: Securing Patient Data and Enabling Trusted Artificial Intelligence, H. S. Jennath, V S. Anoop, and S Asharaf
Blockverse: A Cloud Blockchain-based Platform for Tracking in Affiliate Systems, Alejandro Baldominos Gómez, J. L. López-Sánchez, and M. Acevedo-Aguilar
Board of Directors' Profile: A Case for Deep Learning as a Valid Methodology to Finance Research, César Vaca, Fernando Tejerina, and Benjamín Sahelices
BPLOM: BPM Level-Oriented Methodology for Incremental Business Process Modeling and Code Generation on Mobile Platforms, Juan Manuel Cueva-Lovelle, Cristina Pelayo G-Bustelo, Jaime Solis-Martinez, and Natalia Garcia-Menendez
Brain Computer Interface for Micro-controller Driven Robot Based on Emotiv Sensors, Krishna Asawa and Parth Gargava
Brain Tumor Classification Using a Pre-Trained Auxiliary Classifying Style-Based Generative Adversarial Network, M. Akshay Kumaar, Duraimurugan Samiayya, Venkatesan Rajinikanth, Durai Raj Vincent P M, and Seifedine Kadry
Brain Tumor Segmentation and Identification Using Particle Imperialist Deep Convolutional Neural Network in MRI Images, Maahi Amit Khemchandani, Shivajirao Manikrao Jadhav, and B. R. Iyer
BROA: An agent-based model to recommend relevant Learning Objects from Repository Federations adapted to learner profile, Paula Rodríguez, Valentina Tabares, Néstor Duque, Demetrio Ovalle, and Rosa Vicari
Building Phrase Polarity Lexicons for Sentiment Analysis, Rahim Dehkharghani
Building Real-Time Collaborative Applications with a Federated Architecture, Pablo Ojanguren-Menendez, Antonio Tenorio-Fornés, and Samer Hassan
Business and Social Behaviour Intelligence Analysis Using PSO, Vinay Bhaska, Abhishek Kumar Singh, Jyoti Dhruw, Anubha Parashar, and Mradula Sharma
Business Process Re-engineering in Saudi Arabia: A Survey of Understanding and Attitudes, Essam Rahali, Zenon Chaczko, Johnson Agbinya, and Christopher Chiu
CA-CFAR Adjustment Factor Correction with a priori Knowledge of the Clutter Distribution Shape Parameter, José Raúl Machado-Fernández, Jesús Concepción Bacallao-Vidal, and Shirley Torres Martinez
CAIN-21: Automatic adaptation decisions and extensibility in an MPEG-21 adaptation engine, Fernando Carlos López Hernández, José Martínez, and Narciso García
Can AI Help Us to Understand Belief? Sources, Advances, Limits, and Future Directions, Andrea Vestrucci, Sara Lumbreras, and Lluis Oviedo
Can Generative AI Solve Geometry Problems? Strengths and Weaknesses of LLMs for Geometric Reasoning in Spanish, Verónica Parra, Patricia Sureda, Ana Corica, Silvia Schiaffino, and Daniela Godoy
CDPS-IoT: Cardiovascular Disease Prediction System Based on IoT using Machine Learning, Jameel Ahamed, Abdul Manan Koli, Khaleel Ahmad, Mohd. Alam Jamal, and B. B. Gupta
Chatbot-Based Learning Platform for SQL Training, Antonio Balderas, Rubén Baena-Pérez, Tatiana Person, José Miguel Mota, and Iván Ruiz-Rube
Checking RTECTL properties of STSs via SMT-based Bounded Model Checking, Agnieszka Zbrzezny and Andrzej Zbrzezny
Chinese-chi and Kundalini yoga Meditations Effects on the Autonomic Nervous System: Comparative Study, Anilesh Dey, D K. Bhattacha, D N. Tibarewala, Nilanjan Dey, Amira Ashour, Dac-Nhuong Le, Evgeniya Gospodinova, and Mitko Gospodinov
Chrome Layer Thickness Modelling in a Hard Chromium Plating Process Using a Hybrid PSO/ RBF–SVM–Based Model, Paulino José García Nieto, Esperanza García-Gonzalo, Fernando Sánchez Lasheras, and Antonio Bernardo Sánchez
Clasification Of Arrhythmic ECG Data Using Machine Learning Techniques, Abhinav Vishwa, Mohit Lal, Sharad Dixit, and Pritish Vardwa
Classification-based Deep Neural Network Architecture for Collaborative Filtering Recommender Systems, Jesús Bobadilla, Fernando Ortega, Abraham Gutiérrez, and Santiago Alonso
Collaborative Geographic Information Systems for Business Intelligence, Juan José Ramirez
Combining Fuzzy AHP with GIS and Decision Rules for Industrial Site Selection, Aissa Taibi and Baghdad Atmani
Comparative Analysis of Building Insurance Prediction Using Some Machine Learning Algorithms, Chukwuebuka J. Ejiyi, Zhen Qin, Abdulhaq Adetunji Salako, Monday Nkanta Happy, Grace Ugochi Nneji, Chiagoziem C. Ukwuoma, Ijeoma A. Chikwendu, and Ji Gen
Comparative Study of Classification Techniques on Breast Cancer FNA Biopsy Data, G Rumbe and Haowen Youh
Comparative Study of Clustering Algorithms in Text Mining Context, Abdennour Mohamed Jalil, Imad Hafidi, Lamiae Alami, and Ensa Khouribga
Comparative Study on Ant Colony Optimization (ACO) and K-Means Clustering Approaches for Jobs Scheduling and Energy Optimization Model in Internet of Things (IoT), Sumit Kumar, Vijender Kumar-Solanki, Saket Kumar Choudhary, Ali Selamat, and Rubén González-Crespo
Comparative Study on Feature Selection and Fusion Schemes for Emotion Recognition from Speech, Santiago Planet and Ignasi Iriondo
CompareML: A Novel Approach to Supporting Preliminary Data Analysis Decision Making, Antonio Jesús Fernández-García, Juan Carlos Preciado, Álvaro E. Prieto, Fernando Sánchez-Figueroa, and Juan D. Gutiérrez
Comparison between Famous Game Engines and Eminent Games, Prerna Mishra and Urmila Shrawankar
Comparison of Clustering Algorithms for Learning Analytics with Educational Datasets, Álvaro Martínez Navarro and Pablo Moreno-Ger
Comparison of Feedforward Network and Radial Basis Function to Detect Leukemia, Vishwanath Bijalwan, Meenu Balodhi, Pragya Bagwari, and Bhavya Saxena
Comprehensive Evaluation of Matrix Factorization Models for Collaborative Filtering Recommender Systems, Jesús Bobadilla, Jorge Dueñas-Lerín, Fernando Ortega, and Abraham Gutiérrez
Computer-aided diagnosis of pancreatic and lung cancer, Álvaro Núñez Díaz and Luis Lancho Tofé
Computer Entertainment Technologies for the Visually Impaired: An Overview, Manuel López Ibáñez, Alejandro Romero-Hernández, Borja Manero, and María Guijarro
Conceptualizing the e-Learning Assessment Domain using an Ontology Network, Lucía Romero, Milagros Gutiérrez, and María Laura Caliusco
Conceptual Model Development of Big Data Analytics Implementation Assessment Effect on Decision-Making, Cecilia Adrian, Rusli Abdullah, Rodziah Atan, and Yusmadi Yah Jusoh
Conceptual Model for Smart Cities: Irrigation and Highway Lamps using IoT, Vijender Kumar Solanki, M Venkaesan, and Somesh Katiyar
Confidentiality of 2D Code using Infrared with Cell-level Error Correction, Nobuyuki Teraura and Kouichi Sakurai
Connecting Possibilistic Prudence and Optimal Saving, Ana María Lucia Casademunt and Irina Georgescu
Consensus-Based Learning for MAS: Definition, Implementation and Integration in IVEs, C. Carrascosa, F. Enguix, M. Rebollo, and J. Rincon
Constructing the Public Opinion Crisis Prediction Model Using CNN and LSTM Techniques Based on Social Network Mining, Lou Yan, Zhipeng Ren, Yong Zhang, Zhonghui Tao, and Yiwu Zhao
Construction of a Benchmark for the User Experience Questionnaire (UEQ), Martin Schrepp, Jörg Thomaschewski, and Andreas Hinderks
Content-Based Hyperspectral Image Compression Using a Multi-Depth Weighted Map With Dynamic Receptive Field Convolution, Shaoming Pan, XiaoLin Gu, Yanwen Chong, and Yuanyuan Guo
Contour Detection of Mammogram Masses Using ChanVese Model and B-Spline Approximation, Youssef Ben Youssef, hassane El Abdelmounim, and Abdellah Lamnii
Contour Enhancement Algorithm for Improving Visual Perception of Deutan and Protan Dichromats, Madalena Ribeiro and Abel Gomes
Contribution to the Association Rules Visualization for Decision Support: A Combined Use Between Boolean Modeling and the Colored 2D Matrix, Baghdad Atmani, Fatima Zohra Benhacine, and Fawzia Zohra Abdelouhab
ConvGRU-CNN: Spatiotemporal Deep Learning for Real-World Anomaly Detection in Video Surveillance System, Maryam Qasim Gandapur and Elena Verdú
Correlation Between Coupling Metrics Values and Number of Classes in Multimedia Java Projects: A Case Study, V S. Bivde and P Sarasu
Cosine Similarity Based Hierarchical Skeleton and Cross Indexing for Large Scale Image Retrieval Using Mapreduce Framework, Zhong Qianwen
COVID-19 Detection in Chest X-ray Images using a Deep Learning Approach, Fátima Saiz and Iñigo Barandiaran
COVID-19 Disease Prediction Using Weighted Ensemble Transfer Learning, Pradeep Kumar Roy and Ashish Singh
COVID-19 Mortality Risk Prediction Using X-Ray Images, J. Prada, Y. Gala, and A. L. Sierra
Cross-Lingual Neural Network Speech Synthesis Based on Multiple Embeddings, Tijana V. Nosek, Siniša B. Suzić, Darko J. Pekar, Radovan J. Obradović, Milan S. Sečujski, and Vlado D. Delić
Data and Artificial Intelligence Strategy: A Conceptual Enterprise Big Data Cloud Architecture to Enable Market-Oriented Organisations, Enrique Herrera-Viedma, Ramón Alberto Carrasco, and Caio Moreno
Data-Aware Scheduling Strategy for Scientific Workflow Applications in IaaS Cloud Computing, Sid Ahmed Makhlouf and Belabbas Yagoubi
DataCare: Big Data Analytics Solution for Intelligent Healthcare Management, Yago Saez, Alejandro Baldominos Gómez, and de Fernando Rada
Data Science Techniques for COVID-19 in Intensive Care Units, Sergio Muñoz Lezcano, Fernando Carlos López Hernández, and Alberto Corbi Bellot
Dataset and Baselines for IID and OOD Image Classification Considering Data Quality and Evolving Environments, Zhuo Zhang, Yang Li, Yicheng Gong, Yue Yang, Shukun Ma, Xiaolan Guo, and Sezai Ercisli
Day-Ahead Price Forecasting for the Spanish Electricity Market, Julia Díaz, Álvaro Romero, and José Ramón Dorronsoro
Deep Belief Network and Auto-Encoder for Face Classification, Nassih Bouchra, Ngadi Mohammed, Hmina Nabil, and Amine Aouatif
DeepFair: Deep Learning for Improving Fairness in Recommender Systems, Jesús Bobadilla, Raúl Lara-Cabrera, Ángel González-Prieto, and Fernando Ortega
Deep Feature Representation and Similarity Matrix based Noise Label Refinement Method for Efficient Face Annotation, A. Suruliandi, A. Kasthuri, and S. P. Raja
Deep Learning Assisted Medical Insurance Data Analytics With Multimedia System, Cheng Zhang, B. Vinodhini, and Bala Anand Muthu
Deep Learning-based Side Channel Attack on HMAC SM3, Xin Jin, Yong Xiao, Shiqi Li, and Suying Wang
Deep Multi-Model Fusion for Human Activity Recognition Using Evolutionary Algorithms, Kamal Kant Verma and Brij Mohan Singh
Deep Neural Networks for Speech Enhancement in Complex-Noisy Environments, Nasir Saleem and Muhammad Irfan Khattak
Deep Transfer Learning-Based Automated Identification of Bird Song, Nabanita Das, Neelamadhab Padhy, Nilanjan Dey, Sudipta Bhattacharya, and João Manuel R.S. Tavares
Deobfuscating Leetspeak With Deep Learning to Improve Spam Filtering, Iñaki Vélez de Mendizabal, Xabier Vidriales, Vitor Basto-Fernandes, Enaitz Ezpeleta, José Ramón Méndez, and Urko Zurutuza
Deraining and Desnowing Algorithm on Adaptive Tolerance and Dual-tree Complex Wavelet Fusion, Jingfeng Zang, Ningxue Xu, Riu Liu, and Yuhuan Shi
Design and Development of an Energy Efficient Multimedia Cloud Data Center with Minimal SLA Violation, Nirmal Kr. Biswas, Sourav Banerjee, and Utpal Biswas
Design and Evaluation of a Short Version of the User Experience Questionnaire (UEQ-S), Martin Schrepp, Jörg Thomaschewski, and Andreas Hinderks
Design and Implementation of a Combinatorial Optimization Multi-population Meta-heuristic for Solving Vehicle Routing Problems, Eneko Osaba and Fernando Díaz
Design and Validation of a Framework for the Creation of User Experience Questionnaires, Martin Schrepp and Jörg Thomaschewski
Design Methodology for Self-organized Mobile Networks Based, S J. Bolaños-Castro, Giovanny Mauricio Tarazona-Bermudez, and John Petearson Anzola
Design of a Mutual Exclusion and Deadlock Algorithm in PCBSD – FreeBSD, Oswaldo Alberto Romero Villalobos, Libertad Caicedo Acosta, Camilo Andrés Ospina Acosta, and Nancy Yaneth Gelvez García
Design of a System for Monitoring Technology Multiple Application in Order to Measure the Gap in Technology Companies "MiPymes", A Espinel-Ortega, V Martin-Garcia, and A M. Vega-Escobar
Design of a Virtual Assistant to Improve Interaction Between the Audience and the Presenter, S. Cobos-Guzman, S. Nuere, L. De Miguel, and C. König
Design of Integrated Artificial Intelligence Techniques for Video Surveillance on IoT Enabled Wireless Multimedia Sensor Networks, Romany F. Mansour, Carlos Soto, Roosvel Soto-Díaz, José Escorcia Gutierrez, Deepak Gupta, and Ashish Khanna
Design of Traffic Electronic Information Signal Acquisition System Based on Internet of Things Technology and Artificial Intelligence, Hongling Wang
Detecting Image Brush Editing Using the Discarded Coefficients and Intentions, Fernando Carlos López Hernández, Luis de-la-Fuente Valentín, and de Íñigo Sarría Martínez Mendivil
Detection of Adverse Reaction to Drugs in Elderly Patients through Predictive Modeling, Rafael San-Miguel Carrasco
Detection of Improperly Worn Face Masks using Deep Learning – A Preventive Measure Against the Spread of COVID-19, Anubha Bhaik, Vaishnavi Singh, Ekta Gandotra, and Deepak Gupta
Detection of Lung Nodules on Medical Images by the Use of Fractal Segmentation, Afsaneh Abdollahzadeh Rezaie and Ali Habiboghli
Detection of Text Lines of Handwritten Arabic Manuscripts using Markov Decision Processes, Youssef Boulid, Abdelghani Souhar, and Mohamed Elyoussfi Elkettani
DEVELOP-FPS: a First Person Shooter Development Tool for Rule-based Scripts, Bruno Correia, Paulo Urbano, and Luís Moniz
Developing a Business Application with BPM and MDE, H Fernández-Fernández, Juan Manuel Cueva-Lovelle, Vicente García-Díaz, Cristina Pelayo G-Bustelo, Oscar Sanjuan-Martinez, and Elías Palacios-González
Development of an Intelligent Classifier Model for Denial of Service Attack Detection, Álvaro Michelena, Jose Aveleira-Mata, Esteban Jove, Héctor Alaiz-Moretón, Héctor Quintián, and José Luis Calvo-Rolle
Development of a Predictive Model for Induction Success of Labour, Cristina Pruenza, María Teurón, Luis Lechuga, Julia Díaz, and Ana González
Development of a Shared UX Vision Based on UX Factors Ascertained Through Attribution, Dominique Winter, Carolin Hausmann, Andreas Hinderks, and Jörg Thomaschewski
Development of Injuries Prevention Policies in Mexico: A Big Data Approach, Rosa María Cantón Croda and Damián Emilio Gibaja Romero
Diabetes Diagnosis by Case-Based Reasoning and Fuzzy Logic, Baghdad Atmani, Mohammed Benamina, and Sofia Benbelkacem
Diagnosis of Malignant Melanoma of Skin Cancer Types, Abbas Hassin Alasadi and Baidaa Alsafy
Difusion-Weighted MRI: from Brownian Motion to Head&Neck Tumor Characterization, Cristina Utrilla Contreras, Nelson Mauricio Buitrago Sánchez, Joachim Graessner, Pilar García Raya, and Begoña Marin Aguilera
Digit Recognition Using Composite Features With Decision Tree Strategy, Chung-Hsing Chen and Ko-Wei Huang
Discover, Reuse and Share Knowledge on Service Oriented Architectures, Lei Shu, Elisa García-Gordo, and Jesús Soto-Carrión
Dissemination Matters: Influences of Dissemination Activities on User Types in an Online Educational Community, Min Yuan and Mimi Recker
Distributed Search Systems with Self-Adaptive Organizational Setups, Friederike Wall
Does a presentation Media Influence the Evaluation of Consumer Products? A Comparative Study to Evaluate Virtual Reality, Virtual Reality with Passive Haptics and a Real Setting, Julia Galán, Carlos García-García, Francisco Felip, and Manuel Contero
Do Women and Men Perceive User Experience Differently?, Martin Schrepp, Jörg Thomaschewski, and Kristina Aufderhaar
Driver Fatigue Detection using Mean Intensity, SVM, and SIFT, Saima Naz, Sheikh Ziauddin, and Ahmad Shahid
Drug Target Interaction Prediction Using Machine Learning Techniques – A Review, A. Suruliandi, T. Idhaya, and S. P. Raja
DSMUS 1.0, Sergio Redondo, Héctor Sainz, and Arucas Chacón
Dynamic, ecological, accessible and 3D Virtual Worlds-based Libraries using OpenSim and Sloodle along with mobile location and NFC for checking in, Rubén González-Crespo, Sergio Rios-Aguilar, Roberto Ferro-Escobar, and Nicolas Torres
Dynamic Generation of Investment Recommendations Using Grammatical Evolution, Carlos Martín, David Quintana, and Pedro Isasi
ED-Dehaze Net: Encoder and Decoder Dehaze Network, Hongqi Zhang, Yixiong Wei, Hongqiao Zhou, and Qianhao Wu
Edge Face Recognition System Based on One-Shot Augmented Learning, Diego M. Jiménez-Bravo, Álvaro Lozano Murciego, André Sales Mendes, Luís Augusto Silva, and Daniel H. De La Iglesia
Editor's Note, Mu-Yen Chen and Patrick C. K. Hung
Editor's Note, Elena Verdú
Editor's Note, Rubén González-Crespo
Editor's Note, Daniel Burgos, Lluis Oviedo, Dai Griffiths, and Andrea Vestrucci
Editor's Note, Nilanjan Dey
Editor's Note, Lei Shu, Joel J.P.C. Rodrigues, Anthony G. Cohn, Qirong Mao, and Maozhen Li
Editor's Note, Juan F. de Paz Santana and Gabriel Villarrubia González
Editor's Note, Xiomara Patricia Blanco Valencia
Editor's Note, Antonio A. Golpe, Pedro Isasi, Juan-Manuel Martín-Álvarez, and David Quintana
Editor's Note, Jerry Chun-Wei Lin, Gautam Srivastava, and Vicent S. Tseng
Editor's Note, Amparo Alonso-Betanzos, Pedro Cabalar, Gracaliz P. Dimuro, Marcos García, José Hernández-Orallo, Raquel Hervás, Ángeles Manjarés, Fernado Martínez-Plumed, Inmaculada Mora-Jiménez, and Miquel Sànchez-Marrè
Editor's Note, Javier Martínez Torres
Editor's Note, Elena Verdú
Editor's Note, Juan Antonio Morente-Molinera
Editor’s Note, Ricardo S. Alonso, Pablo Chamoso, Sara Rodríguez-González, and Paulo Novais
Editor’s Note, Paulo Alonso Gaona-García
Editor’s Note, Jiachen Yang, Houbing Song, and Muhammad Khurram Khan
Editor’s Note, Carlos Enrique Montenegro-Marin
Editor’s Note, Vicente García and Shaofei Wu
Editor’s Note, Rubén González-Crespo and Elena Verdú
Editor’s Note, Elena Verdú
Editor’s Note, Francisco Mochón
Editor’s Note. Towards an Intelligent Society: Advances in Marketing and Neuroscience, Francisco Mochón and Alejandro Baldominos Gómez
Editor’s Note. Towards Blockchain Intelligence, Alejandro Baldominos Gómez and Francisco Mochón
EEG Signal Analysis of Writing and Typing between Adults with Dyslexia and Normal Controls, Harshani Perera, Mohd Fairuz Shiratuddin, Kok Wai Wong, and Kelly Fullarton
Efficient and Robust Model Benchmarks with Item Response Theory and Adaptive Testing, Hao Song and Peter Flach
Efficient Measurement of the User Experience of Interactive Products. How to use the User Experience Questionnaire (UEQ).Example: Spanish Language Version, Maria Rauschenberger, Martin Schrepp, Manuel Perez-Cota, Siegfried Olschner, and Jörg Thomaschewski
Efficient Method Based on Blockchain Ensuring Data Integrity Auditing with Deduplication in Cloud, Mohamed El Ghazouani, My Ahmed El kiram, ER-RAJY Latifa, and Yassine El Khanboubi
Electromiographic Signal Processing Using Embedded Artificial Intelligence: An Adaptive Filtering Approach, Daniel Proaño-Guevara, Xiomara Patricia Blanco Valencia, Paul D. Rosero-Montalvo, and Diego H. Peluffo-Ordóñez
Electronic Health Record in Bolivia and ICT: A Perspective for Latin America, Eugenio Gil and Karina Medinaceli Díaz
Emergent Models for Moral AI Spirituality, Mark Graves
Emerging Technologies Landscape on Education. A review, Daniel Burgos, Luis-de-la-Fuente Valentín, Aurora Carrasco, and Kinga Konya
Emotion-Aware Monitoring of Users’ Reaction With a Multi-Perspective Analysis of Long- and Short-Term Topics on Twitter, Danilo Cavaliere, Giuseppe Fenza, Vincenzo Loia, and Francesco Nota
Empirical Analysis of Ethical Principles Applied to Different AI Uses Cases, Alfonso José López Rivero, M. Encarnación Beato, César Muñoz Martínez, and Pedro Gonzalo Cortiñas Vázquez
Energy-Aware Path Planning by Autonomous Underwater Vehicle in Underwater Wireless Sensor Networks for Safer Maritime Transportation, Tayfun Acarer
Engineering Education through eLearning technology in Spain, Javier Rainer, Juan Carlos Fernandez-Rodriguez, and Fernando Miralles-Muñoz
Enhancing Tennis Serve Scoring Efficiency: An AI Deep Learning Approach, Jing-Wei Liu
ERBM-SE: Extended Restricted Boltzmann Machine for Multi-Objective Single-Channel Speech Enhancement, Muhammad Irfan Khattak, Nasir Saleem, Aamir Nawaz, Aftab Ahmed Almani, Farhana Umer, and Elena Verdú
Erythrocyte Features for Malaria Parasite Detection in Microscopic Images of Thin Blood Smear: A Review, Salam Shuleenda Devi, Shah Alam Sheikh, and Rabul Hussain Laskar
Ethical Implications and Principles of Using Artificial Intelligence Models in the Classroom: A Systematic Literature Review, Lin Tang and Yu-Sheng Su
Euclidean Distance Distortion Based Robust and Blind Mesh Watermarking, Nilanjan Dey, Yesmine Ben Amar, Imen Trabelsi, and Salim Bouhlel
Evaluating ChatGPT-Generated Linear Algebra Formative Assessments, Nelly Rigaud Téllez, Patricia Rayón Villela, and Roberto Blanco Bautista
Evaluating the Emotional State of a User Using a Webcam, Martin Magdin, Milan Turcani, and Lukas Hudec
Evaluating the Impact of Pumping on Groundwater Level Prediction in the Chuoshui River Alluvial Fan Using Artificial Intelligence Techniques, Yu-Sheng Su, Yu-Cheng Hu, Yun-Chin Wu, and Ching-Teng Lo
Evaluation of a Diagnostic Decision Support System for the Triage of Patients in a Hospital Emergency Department, Germán Seara, Julio Mayol, JC Nazario Arancibia, FJ Martín Sanchez, rey AL Del Mejías, del Gonzalez Castillo, Chafer Vilaplana, MA García Briñon, and MM Suárez-Cadenas
Evaluation of Shelf Life of Processed Cheese by Implementing Neural Computing Models, Sumit Goyal and Gyanendra Kumar Goyal
EVEN-VE: Eyes Visibility Based Egocentric Navigation for Virtual Environments, S Ullah and M Raees
EvoWild: a demosimulator about wild life, Macarena Mey Rodríguez and Eduardo Palacio Gayoso
Explaining Query Answers in Probabilistic Databases, Hichem Debbi
Exploratory Boosted Feature Selection and Neural Network Framework for Depression Classification, Vanishri Arun, Murali Krishna, B V. Arunkumar, S K. Padma, and Shyam
Exploring ChatGPT's Potential for Consultation, Recommendations and Report Diagnosis: Gastric Cancer and Gastroscopy Reports’ Case, Jiaming Zhou, Tengyue Li, Simon James Fong, Nilanjan Dey, and Rubén González-Crespo
Exploring the Benefits of Using Gamification and Videogames for Physical Exercise: a Review of State of Art, Carina González-González, del Nazaret Gómez Río, and Vicente Navarro-Adelantado
Exploring the Relevance of Search Engines: An Overview of Google as a Case Study, Paulo Alonso Gaona-García, Carlos Enrique Montenegro-Marin, Ricardo Beltrán-Alfonso, and Andres Torres-Tautiva
Extensive Classification of Visual Art Paintings for Enhancing Education System using Hybrid SVM-ANN with Sparse Metric Learning based on Kernel Regression, Fei Xu, Tong Wu, Shali Huang, Kuntong Han, Wenwen Lin, Shizhong Wu, Sivaparthipan CB, and Samuel R. Dinesh Jackson
Eye-Tracking Signals Based Affective Classification Employing Deep Gradient Convolutional Neural Networks, Yuanfeng Li, Jiangang Deng, Qun Wu, and Ying Wang
Face Detection for Augmented Reality Application Using Boosting-based Techniques, Youssef Hbali, Lahoucine Ballihi, Mohammed Sadgal, and El Fazziki Abdelaziz
Facial Emotion Recognition Using Context Based Multimodal Approach, P Metri, J Ghorpade, and A Butalia
Feasibility and Acceptability of a Mobile-Based Emotion Recognition Approach for Bipolar Disorder, H. Daus and M. Backenstrass
Feature Selection for Image Retrieval based on Genetic Algorithm, Rashmi Welekar and Preeti Kushwaha
Finding an Accurate Early Forecasting Model from Small Dataset: A Case of 2019-nCoV Novel Coronavirus Outbreak, Rubén González-Crespo, Enrique Herrera-Viedma, Nilanjan Dey, Simon James Fong, and Gloria Li
Finite Sample Properties of Parameterized Expectations Algorithm Solutions; Is the Length So Determinant?, A. Jesús Sánchez-Fuentes
Forecasting the Behavior of Gas Furnace Multivariate Time Series Using Ridge Polynomial Based Neural Network Models, Waddah Waheeb and Rozaida Ghazali
Foreword, Jehovanni Fabricio Velarde Molina
Formalization of Event Perception and Event Appraisal Process, Krishna Asawa and Shikha Jain
Foundations for the Design of a Creative System Based on the Analysis of the Main Techniques that Stimulate Human Creativity, L. De Garrido, J.J. Gómez Sanz, and Juan Pavón Mestras
Framework for Computation Offloading in Mobile Cloud Computing, Dejan Kovachev and Ralf Klamma
From Management Information Systems to Business Intelligence: The Development of Management Information Needs, Rimvydas Skyrius, Gėlytė Kazakevičienė, and Vytautas Bujauskas
Function Analysis of Industrial Robot under Cubic Polynomial Interpolation in Animation Simulation Environment, You Li, Juan Wang, and Yiming Ji
Fusing Facial Features for Face Recognition, Jamal Ahmad Dargham, Ali Chekima, and Ervin Gubin-Moung
Fuzzy C-Means Clustering with Histogram based Cluster Selection for Skin Lesion Segmentation using Non-Dermoscopic Images, Salam Shuleenda Devi, Rabul Hussain Laskar, and Ngangbam Herojit Singh
Fuzzy Logic Indoor Positioning System, Bernardo Gómez Bey and Roberto García Sánz
Gade4all: Developing Multi-platform Videogames based on Domain Specific Languages and Model Driven Engineering, Juan Manuel Cueva-Lovelle, Cristina Pelayo G-Bustelo, Edward Núñez-Valdez, Guillermo Infante-Hernandez, and Oscar Sanjuan-Martinez
Gamification, Social Networks and Sustainable Environments, Fábio Silva, Cesar Analide, Luís Rosa, Gilberto Felgueiras, and Cedric Pimenta
General purpose MDE tools, H Fernández-Fernández, Juan Manuel Cueva-Lovelle, Vicente García-Díaz, Cristina Pelayo G-Bustelo, Oscar Sanjuan-Martinez, and Elías Palacios-González
Generating Big Data Sets from Knowledge-based Decision Support Systems to Pursue Value-based Healthcare, Arturo González-Ferrer, Germán Seara, Joan Cháfer, and Julio Mayol
Generation of Two-Voice Imitative Counterpoint from Statistical Models, Victor Padilla and Darrell Conklin
Generative Artificial Intelligence in Education: From Deceptive to Disruptive, Marc Alier, Francisco-José García-Peñalvo, and Jorge D. Camba
Generative Artificial Intelligence in Product Design Education: Navigating Concerns of Originality and Ethics, Kristin A. Bartlett and Jorge D. Camba
Genetic Algorithm for Restricted Maximum k-Satisfiability in the Hopfield Network, Mohd Shareduwan Bin Mohd Kasihmuddin, Mohd Asyraf Bin Mansor, and Saratha Sathasivam
Genetic-Moth Swarm Algorithm for Optimal Placement and Capacity of Renewable DG Sources in Distribution Systems, Emad Mohamed, Al-Attar Ali Mohamed, and Yasunori Mitani
Genetic Operators Applied to Symmetric Cryptography, Jefferson Rodríguez, Brayan Corredor, and César Suárez
Gesture Recognition of RGB and RGB-D Static Images Using Convolutional Neural Networks, Rubén González-Crespo, Elena Verdú, Manju Khari, and Aditya Kumar Garg
GIFT: Gesture-Based Interaction by Fingers Tracking, an Interaction Technique for Virtual Environment, S Ullah and M Raees
GLOA: A New Job Scheduling Algorithm for Grid Computing, Zahra Pooranian, Mohammad Shojafar, Jemal Abawajy, and Mukesh Singhal
Global Collective Intelligence in Technological Societies: as a result of Collaborative Knowledge in Combination with Artificial Intelligence, Javier Rainer and Juan Carlos Piedra-Calderón
Golden Ball Algorithm for solving Flow Shop Scheduling Problem, Fatima Sayoti and Mohammed Essaid Riffi
Graffiti Identification System Using Low-Cost Sensors, Miguel García García, María Angélica González Arrieta, Sara Rodríguez-González, Sergio Márquez-Sánchez, and Carlos Fernando Da Silva Ramos
GRASE: Granulometry Analysis With Semi Eager Classifier to Detect Malware, Mahendra Deore, Manoj Tarambale, Jambi Ratna Raja Kumar, and Sachin Sakhare
Guidelines for performing Systematic Research Projects Reviews, Alicia García-Holgado, Samuel Marcos-Pablos, and Francisco García-Peñalvo
Handwritten Arabic Documents Segmentation into Text Lines using Seam Carving, Abdelghani Souhar and M Daldali
Handwritten Character Recognition Based on the Specificity and the Singularity of the Arabic Language, Youssef Boulid, Abdelghani Souhar, and Mohamed Elyoussfi Elkettani
Happiness and Technology: Special Consideration of Digital Technology and Internet, Francisco Mochón
HDDSS: An Enhanced Heart Disease Decision Support System using RFE-ABGNB Algorithm, M. Dhilsath Fathima, S. Justin Samuel, and S. P. Raja
"Hello, is There Anybody Who Reads Me?" Radio Programs and Popular Facebook Posts, Tal Laor
Heuristics Considering UX and Quality Criteria for Heuristics, Eva Maria Schön, Jörg Thomaschewski, and Frederik Bader
Human Activity Recognition From Sensorised Patient's Data in Healthcare: A Streaming Deep Learning-Based Approach, Sandro Hurtado, José García-Nieto, Anton Popov, and Ismael Navas-Delgado
Human Activity Recognition in Real-Times Environments using Skeleton Joints, Anil Kumar, Rahul Kala, Ajay Kumar, and Satish Kumar Singh
Humanoid Localization on Robocup Field using Corner Intersection and Geometric Distance Estimation, M N. Sudin, Sheikh Abdullah, and M F. Nasudin
Hybrid Algorithm for Solving the Quadratic Assignment Problem, Fatima Sayoti and Mohammed Essaid Riffi
Hybrid Model for Passive Locomotion Control of a Biped Humanoid:The Artificial Neural Network Approach, Vijay Bhaskar-Semwal, Manish Raj, and G C. Nandi
ICTs and School Education, Nuria Aris and Lara Orcos
IJIMAI Editor’s Note - Vol. 2 Issue 1, Elisa Boff and Juan Pavón Mestras
IJIMAI Editor’s Note - Vol. 2 Issue 2, Rubén González-Crespo and Jordán Pascual-Espada
IJIMAI Editor’s Note - Vol. 2 Issue 3, Rubén González-Crespo
IJIMAI Editor’s Note - Vol. 2 Issue 4, Rubén González-Crespo
IJIMAI Editor's Note - Vol. 2 Issue 6, Enrique Herrera-Viedma
IJIMAI Editor's Note - Vol. 2 Issue 7, Daniel Burgos, Luis-de-la-Fuente Valentín, and Ricardo Mazza
IJIMAI Editor's Note - Vol. 3 Issue 1, Rubén González-Crespo
IJIMAI Editor's Note - Vol. 3 Issue 3, Carlos Enrique Montenegro-Marin
IJIMAI Editor's Note - Vol. 3 Issue 4, Angel Alberto Magreñán
IJIMAI Editor's Note - Vol. 3 Issue 5, Rubén González-Crespo
IJIMAI Editor's Note - Vol. 3 Issue 6, Francisco Mochón and Juan Carlos Gonzalvez-Cabañas
IJIMAI Editor's Note - Vol. 4 Issue 1, Mohamed Bahaj
IJIMAI Editor's Note - Vol. 4 Issue 2, Elena Verdú
IJIMAI Editor's Note - Vol. 4 Issue 3, Vicente García-Díaz
IJIMAI Editor's Note - Vol. 4 Issue 4, Rubén González-Crespo
IJIMAI Editor's Note - Vol. 4 Issue 5, Jose Luis Cebrián Carretero
IJIMAI Editor's Note - Vol. 4 Issue 6, Elena Verdú
IJIMAI Editor's Note - Vol. 4 Issue 7, Francisco Mochón and Carlos Elvira
IJIMAI Editor's Note - Vol. 5 Issue 1, Manju Khari
IJIMAI Editor's Note - Vol. 5 Issue 2, Daniel Burgos, Roumen Nikolov, and Christian Stracke
IJIMAI Editor's Note - Vol. 5 Issue 3 - 10th Anniversary, Rubén González-Crespo
Image Classification Methods Applied in Immersive Environments for Fine Motor Skills Training in Early Education, Paulo Alonso Gaona-García, Carlos Enrique Montenegro-Marin, de Íñigo Sarría Martínez Mendivil, Andrés Ovidio Restrepo Rodríguez, and Maddyzeth Ariza Riaño
IMCAD: Computer Aided System for Breast Masses Detection based on Immune Recognition, Hamdadou Djamila and Leila Belkhodja
Improved Behavior Monitoring and Classification Using Cues Parameters Extraction from Camera Array Images, Ahmad Jalal and Shaharyar Kamal
Improved Differential Evolution Algorithm for Parameter Estimation to Improve the Production of Biochemical Pathway, Chuii Khim Chong, Mohd Saberi Mohamad, Safaai Deris, Mohd Shahir Shamsir, Yee Wen Choon, and Lian En-Chai
Improved GWO Algorithm for UAV Path Planning on Crop Pest Monitoring, Qun Ding and Xiaolong Xu
Improved Shape Parameter Estimation in K Clutter with Neural Networks and Deep Learning, Jesús Concepción Bacallao-Vidal and José Raúl Machado-Fernández
Improved Shape Parameter Estimation in Pareto Distributed Clutter with Neural Networks, Jesús Concepción Bacallao-Vidal and José Raúl Machado-Fernández
Improvement in Quality of Service Against Doppelganger Attacks for Connected Network, Deepak Choudhary and Roop Pahuja
Improvements in the Native Development Environment for Sony AIBO, Csaba Kertész
Improving Asynchronous Interview Interaction with Follow-up Question Generation, Pooja Rao S B, Manish Agnihotri, and Dinesh Babu Jayagopi
Improving Pipelining Tools for Pre-processing Data, María Novo-Lourés, Yeray Lage, Reyes Pavón, Rosalía Laza, David Ruano-Ordás, and José Ramón Méndez
Improving the family orientation process in Cuban Special Schools trough Nearest Prototype classification, Y Villuendas-Rey, C Rey-Benguría, Y Caballero-Mota, and M M. García-Lorenzo
Improving Web Learning through model Optimization using Bootstrap for a Tour-Guide Robot, Rafael León, Javier Rainer, José Manuel Rojo, and Ramón Galán
Imputation of Rainfall Data Using the Sine Cosine Function Fitting Neural Network, Po Chan Chiu, Ali Selamat, Ondrej Krejcar, King Kuok Kuok, Enrique Herrera-Viedma, and Giuseppe Fenza
IMusic: a Bluetooth music application, Angel Aguilera-Manglano and Borja Sierra-Espín
Incremental Hierarchical Clustering driven Automatic Annotations for Unifying IoT Streaming Data, Edward Núñez-Valdez, Vijender Kumar Solanki, Sivadi Balakrishna, and M Thirumaran
Infected Fruit Part Detection using K-Means Clustering Segmentation Technique, Shiv Ram Dubey, Pushkar Dixit, Nishant Singh, and Jay Prakash Gupta
Influence of Lymphocyte T CD4 Levels on the Neuropsychological Performance of Population Affected by HIV and with a Previous History of Substance Use, Enrique Vázquez-Justo, Amalia García-Torres, and Esperanza Vergara-Moragues
Innovation and Challenges of Blockchain in Banking: A Scientometric View, R Arjun and K R. Suprabha
Integrating Agents into a Collaborative Knowledge-based System for Business Rules Consistency Management, Nawal Sad Houari and Noria Taghezout
Integrating Emotion Recognition Tools for Developing Emotionally Intelligent Agents, Samuel Marcos-Pablos, Fernando Lobato, and Francisco García-Peñalvo
Integration of Genetic Programming and TABU Search Mechanism for Automatic Detection of Magnetic Resonance Imaging in Cervical Spondylosis, Chun-Jung Juan, Chen-Shu Wang, Bo-Yi Lee, Shang-Yu Chiang, Chun-Chang Yeh, Der-Yang Cho, and Wu-Chung Shen
Integration of Multiple Data Sources for predicting the Engagement of Students in Practical Activities, Llanos Tobarra, Salvador Ros, Roberto Hernández, Antonio Robles-Gómez, Agustín Caminero, and Rafael Pastor
Intelligent Detection and Recovery from Cyberattacks for Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises, Miguel Angel Lopez, Juan Manuel Lombardo, Mabel López, Carmen María Alba, Susana Velasco, Manuel Alonso Braojos, and Marta Fuentes-García
Intelligent e-Learning Systems: An Educational Paradigm Shift, Suman Bhattacharya and Sayan Nath
Intelligent Garbage Classifier, Alvaro Salmador, Javier Pérez Cid, and Ignacio Rodríguez-Novelle
Interactive Causal Correlation Space Reshape for Multi-Label Classification, Chao Zhang, Yusheng Cheng, Yibin Wang, and Yuting Xu
Introduction to Devices Orchestration in Internet of Things Using SBPMN, Juan Manuel Cueva-Lovelle, A Gonzalez-Garcia, A Alvarez-Alvarez, Cristina Pelayo G-Bustelo, Jordán Pascual-Espada, and Oscar Sanjuan-Martinez
IoT Detection System for Mildew Disease in Roses Using Neural Networks and Image Analysis, Laura Torres, Luis Romero, Edgar Aguirre, and Roberto Ferro-Escobar
Iris recognition using the JAVAVis Library, Larrumbe Hidalgo, Martin García, and M Taboada-Lorenzo
Issues of Visual Search Methods in Digital Repositories, Carlos Enrique Montenegro-Marin, Paulo Alonso Gaona-García, Elvis Gaona-García, Adriana Gómez-Acosta, and Yusef Hassan-Montero
KoopaML: A Graphical Platform for Building Machine Learning Pipelines Adapted to Health Professionals, Francisco García-Peñalvo, Andrea Vázquez-Ingelmo, Alicia García-Holgado, Jesús Sampedro-Gómez, Antonio Sánchez-Puente, Víctor Vicente-Palacios, P. Ignacio Dorado-Díaz, and Pedro L. Sánchez
Kuruma: The Vehicle Automatic Data Capture for Urban Computing Collaborative Systems, Vicente García-Díaz, Guillermo Cueva-Fernandez, Jordán Pascual-Espada, and Martin Gonzalez-Rodriguez
Learning Analytics to Detect Evidence of Fraudulent Behaviour in Online Examinations, Antonio Balderas, Manuel Palomo-Duarte, Juan Antonio Caballero-Hernández, Mercedes Rodriguez-Garcia, and Juan Manuel Dodero
Learning Models for Semantic Classification of Insufficient Plantar Pressure Images, Nilanjan Dey, Yao Wu, Qun Wu, and Simon Sherratt
Legal Effects of Link Sharing in Social Networks, Andrés Castillo-Sanz and Eugenio Gil
Legal Issues Concerning P2P Exchange of Educational Materials and Their Impact on E-Learning Multi-Agent Systems, Andrés Castillo-Sanz and Eugenio Gil
Lightweight Real-Time Recurrent Models for Speech Enhancement and Automatic Speech Recognition, Sami Dhahbi, Nasir Saleem, Teddy Surya Gunawan, Sami Bourouis, Imad Ali, Aymen Trigui, and Abeer D. Algarni
L.I.M.E. A recommendation model for informal and formal learning, engaged, Daniel Burgos
Linear Temporal Logic-based Mission Planning, Anil Kumar and Rahul Kala
Linked Data Methodologies for Managing Information about Television Content, José Luis Redondo-García, Vicente Botón-Fernández, and Adolfo Lozano-Tello
LIPSNN: A Light Intrusion-Proving Siamese Neural Network Model for Facial Verification, Asier Alcaide, Miguel A. Patricio, Antonio Berlanga, Angel Arroyo, and Juan J. Cuadrado Gallego
Local Convergence for an Improved Jarratt-type Method in Banach Space, Ioannis Argyros and Daniel González
Local Model-Agnostic Explanations for Black-box Recommender Systems Using Interaction Graphs and Link Prediction Techniques, Marta Caro-Martínez, Guillermo Jiménez-Díaz, and Juan A. Recio-García
Local Technology to Enhance Data Privacy and Security in Educational Technology, Daniel Amo, Paul Prinsloo, Marc Alier, David Fonseca, Ricardo Torres Kompen, Xavier Canaleta, and Javier Herrero-Martín
Longitudinal Segmented Analysis of Internet Usage and Well-Being Among Older Adults, Alejandro Cervantes, David Quintana, Yago Saez, and Pedro Isasi
Machine Learning Based Method for Estimating Energy Losses in Large-Scale Unbalanced Distribution Systems with Photovoltaics, Karar Mahmoud, Mohamed Abdel-Nasser, Heba Kashef, Domenec Puig, and Matti Lehtonen
Machine-Learning-Based No Show Prediction in Outpatient Visits, Francisco Mochón, Carlos Elvira, Alberto Ochoa, and Juan Carlos Gonzalvez
Machine Learning Classifier Approach with Gaussian Process, Ensemble boosted Trees, SVM, and Linear Regression for 5G Signal Coverage Mapping, Akansha Gupta, Kamal Ghanshala, and R. C. Joshi
Machine Learning in Business Intelligence 4.0: Cost Control in a Destination Hotel, Fulgencio Sánchez-Torres, Iván González, and Cosmin C. Dobrescu
Mamdani Fuzzy Expert System Based Directional Relaying Approach for Six-Phase Transmission Line, Naresh Kumar, Ch. Sanjay, and M Chakravarthy
Mapping and Deep Analysis of Image Dehazing: Coherent Taxonomy, Datasets, Open Challenges, Motivations, and Recommendations, Karrar Hameed Abdulkareem, Nureize Arbaiy, Zainab Hussein Arif, Mohammed Nasser Al-Mhiqani, Mazin Abed Mohammed, Seifedine Kadry, and Zaid Abdi Alkareem Alyasseri
Mapping Persian Words to WordNet Synsets, Rahim Dehkharghani and Mehrnoush Shamsfard
Mapping the Situation of Educational Technologies in the Spanish University System Using Social Network Analysis and Visualization, B. Vargas Quesada, C. Zarco, and O. Cordón
Marketing Intelligence: Boom or Bust of Service Marketing?, Jan Lies
Masticatory System Biomechanical Photoelastic Simulation fot the Comparision of the Conventional and Uni-Lock Systems in Mandibular Osteosynthesis, Jose Luis Cebrián Carretero, María Teresa Carrascal Morillo, and Germán Vincent Fraile
Maths: from distance to e-learning, David Álvarez Jiménez, Daniel Moreno Mediavilla, Pablo Orduna Portús, Virginia Pascual López, and Fco. Javier San Vicente Vicente
MaxHopCount: A New Drop Policy to Optimize Messages Delivery Rate in Delay Tolerant Networks, Youssef Harrati and Abdelmounaim Abdali
MDFRCNN: Malware Detection using Faster Region Proposals Convolution Neural Network, Mahendra Deore and Uday Kulkarni
Migrating C/C++ Software to Mobile Platforms in the ADM Context, Liliana Martinez, Claudia Pereira, and Liliana Favre
Mining Social and Affective Data for Recommendation of Student Tutors, Elisa Boff and Berni Reategui
Mining Web-based Educational Systems to Predict Student Learning Achievements, del José Campo-Ávila, Ricardo Conejo, Francisco Triguero, and Rafael Morales-Bueno
MOBEEZE. Natural Interaction Technologies, Virtual Reality and Artificial Intelligence for Gait Disorders Analysis and Rehabilitation in Patients with Parkinson's Disease, Juan Manuel Lombardo, Miguel Angel Lopez, Felipe Miron, Mabel López, Mónica León, Jon Arambarri, and David Álvarez
Model for Prediction of Progression in Multiple Sclerosis, Cristina Pruenza, Julia Díaz, María Teresa Solano, Rafael Arroyo, and Guillermo Izquierdo
Modeling And Comparison Study Of Modules In Open Source Lms Platforms With Cmapstool, Juan Manuel Cueva-Lovelle, Paulo Alonso Gaona-García, Carlos Enrique Montenegro-Marin, and Oscar Sanjuan-Martinez
Modeling of Performance Creative Evaluation Driven by Multimodal Affective Data, Yufeng Wu, Longfei Zhang, Gangyi Ding, Tong Xue, and Fuquan Zhang
Modeling Sub-Band Information Through Discrete Wavelet Transform to Improve Intelligibility Assessment of Dysarthric Speech, Laxmi Priya Sahu, Gayadhar Pradhan, and Jyoti Prakash Singh
Model Innovation of Process Based on the Standard e-commerce International GS1, Giovanny Mauricio Tarazona-Bermudez, Luz Andrea Rodriguez-Rojas, Cristina Pelayo G-Bustelo, and Oscar Sanjuan-Martinez
Modified Three-Step Search Block Matching Motion Estimation and Weighted Finite Automata based Fractal Video Compression, Shailesh Kamble, Nileshsingh Thakur, and Preeti Bajaj
Modified YOLOv4-DenseNet Algorithm for Detection of Ventricular Septal Defects in Ultrasound Images, Shih-Hsin Chen, Chun-Wei Wang, I-Hsin Tai, Ken-Pen Weng, Yi-Hui Chen, and Kai-Sheng Hsieh
Modulating the Gameplay Challenge Through Simple Visual Computing Elements: A Cube Puzzle Case Study, Jose Ribelles, Angeles Lopez, and V. Javier Traver
Motivic Pattern Classification of Music Audio Signals Combining Residual and LSTM Networks, Aitor Arronte Alvarez and Francisco Gómez
MSA for Optimal Reconfiguration and Capacitor Allocation in Radial/Ring Distribution Networks, Emad Mohamed, Al-Attar Ali Mohamed, and Yasunori Mitani
Multi-Agent and Fuzzy Inference-Based Framework for Traffic Light Optimization, Abdelouafi Ikidid, El Fazziki Abdelaziz, and Mohammed Sadgal
Multi-agent Systems for Arabic Handwriting Recognition, Youssef Boulid, Abdelghani Souhar, and Mohamed Elyoussfi Elkettani
Multi Layered Multi Task Marker Based Interaction in Information Rich Virtual Environments, I Rehman, S Ullah, and Dawar Khan
Multilayer Feedforward Neural Network for Internet Traffic Classification, B S. Harish, N Nagadarshan, and N Manju
Multilayer Perceptron: Architecture Optimization and Training, Hassan Ramchoun, Youssef Ghanou, Mohamed Ettaouil, and Mohammed Amine Janati Idrissi
Multilevel Thresholding for Image Segmentation Using an Improved Electromagnetism Optimization Algorithm, Ashraf Hemeida, Radwa Mansour, and M E. Hussein
Multimodal Generic Framework for Multimedia Documents Adaptation, Mohamed Bahaj and Hajar Khallouki
Multimodal Human Eye Blink Recognition Using Z-score Based Thresholding and Weighted Features, Puneet Singh Lamba, Deepali Virmani, Manu S. Pillai, and Gopal Chaudhary
Multi-sense Embeddings Using Synonym Sets and Hypernym Information from Wordnet, Krishna Siva Prasad Mudigonda and Poonam Sharma
Music Boundary Detection using Convolutional Neural Networks: A Comparative Analysis of Combined Input Features, Carlos Hernandez-Olivan, Jose R. Beltran, and David Diaz-Guerra
MWAND: A New Early Termination Algorithm for Fast and Efficient Query Evaluation, Zemani Imene Mansouria, Zekri Lougmiri, and Senouci Mohamed
Nature Inspired Range Based Wireless Sensor Node Localization Algorithms, Sankalap Arora and Ranjit Kaur
Neighborhood Structure-Based Model for Multilingual Arbitrarily-Oriented Text Localization in Images/Videos, H.T. Basavaraju, V.N. Manjunath Aradhya, and D.S. Guru
Neural Collaborative Filtering Classification Model to Obtain Prediction Reliabilities, Jesús Bobadilla, Abraham Gutiérrez, Santiago Alonso, and Ángel González-Prieto
Neural Networks through Shared Maps in Mobile Devices, William Raveane and María Angélica González Arrieta
Neural Scoring of Logical Inferences from Data using Feedback, Allmin Susaiyah, Aki Härmä, Ehud Reiter, and Milan Petković
New Challenges on Crossplatform Digital Contents, Jesús Iglesias Feijoo and Guillermo Amat Gomariz
NFC and VLC based Mobile Business Information System for Registering Class Attendance, Sergio Rios-Aguilar, de Íñigo Sarría Martínez Mendivil, and Marta Beltrán Pardo
N-grams Based Supervised Machine Learning Model for Mobile Agent Platform Protection against Unknown Malicious Mobile Agents, Pallavi Bagga, Rahul Hans, and Vipul Sharma
No App is an Island: Collective Action and Sustainable Development Goal-Sensitive Design, Steph Pitt, Marlína van Meelis Lacey, Ed Scaife, and Jeremy Pitt
Normative Affordances Through and By Technology: Technological Mediation and Human Enhancement, Niklas Alexander Döbler and Clemens Bartnik
Novel Agent Based-approach for Industrial Diagnosis: A Combined use Between Case-based Reasoning and Similarity Measure, Noria Taghezout, Fatima Zohra Benkaddour, and Bouabdellah Ascar
Novel Clustering Method Based on K-Medoids and Mobility Metric, Y Hamzaoui, M Amnai, A Choukri, and Y Fakhri
NSL-BP: A Meta Classifier Model Based Prediction of Amazon Product Reviews, Pravin Kumar, Mohit Dayal, Manju Khari, Giuseppe Fenza, and Mariacristina Gallo
Object Detection and Tracking using Modified Diamond Search Block Matching Motion Estimation Algorithm, Shailesh Kamble, Nileshsingh Thakur, Apurva Samdurkar, and Akshay Patharkar
OBOE: an Explainable Text Classification Framework, Raúl A. del Águila Escobar, Mari Carmen Suárez-Figueroa, and Mariano Fernández-López
Obtaining Anti-Missile Decoy Launch Solution from a Ship Using Machine Learning Techniques, Ramón Touza, Javier Martínez Torres, María Álvarez, and Javier Roca
Offline Face Recognition System Based on Gabor- Fisher Descriptors and Hidden Markov Models, Zineb Elgarrai, Othmane Elmeslouhi, Mustapha Kardouchi, Hakim Allali, and Sid-Ahmed Selouani
On Improvement of Speech Intelligibility and Quality: A Survey of Unsupervised Single Channel Speech Enhancement Algorithms, Nasir Saleem, Muhammad Irfan Khattak, and Elena Verdú
On the Importance of UX Quality Aspects for Different Product Categories, Martin Schrepp, Jessica Kollmorgen, Anna-Lena Meiners, Andreas Hinderks, Dominique Winter, Harry B. Santoso, and Jörg Thomaschewski
OntoInfoG++: A Knowledge Fusion Semantic Approach for Infographics Recommendation, Gerard Deepak, Adithya Vibakar, and A. Santhanavijayan
Ontology of a scene based on Java 3D architecture., Holman Bolivar-Baron, Rubén González-Crespo, and Oscar Sanjuan-Martinez
O-ODM Framework for Object-Relational Databases, Carlos Alberto Rombaldo Jr., Solange N. Alves Souza, and de Luiz Sergio Souza
Open Data as a Key Factor for Developing Expert Systems: A Perspective from Spain, Juan Manuel Cueva-Lovelle, Carlos Enrique Montenegro-Marin, Giovanny Mauricio Tarazona-Bermudez, and Luz Andrea Rodriguez-Rojas
Operating an Advertising Programmatic Buying Platform: A Case Study, Francisco Mochón and Juan Carlos Gonzalvez-Cabañas
OpinAIS: An Artificial Immune System-based Framework for Opinion Mining, Alejandro Baldominos Gómez, Nerea Luis Mingueza, and María Cristina García del Pozo
Optimal Parameter Estimation of Solar PV Panel Based on Hybrid Particle Swarm and Grey Wolf Optimization Algorithms, Hegazy Rezk, Jouda Arfaoui, and Mohamed R. Gomaa
Optimal Performance of Doubly Fed Induction Generator Wind Farm Using Multi-Objective Genetic Algorithm, Salah Kamel, Francisco Jurado, Ahmed Elkasem, and Ahmed Rashad
Optimal QoE Scheduling in MPEG-DASH Video Streaming, Shin-Hung Chang, Min-Lun Tsai, Meng-Huang Lee, and Jan-Ming Ho
Optimistic Motion Planning Using Recursive Sub- Sampling: A New Approach to Sampling-Based Motion Planning, Lhilo Kenye and Rahul Kala
Optimized DWT Based Digital Image Watermarking and Extraction Using RNN-LSTM, R. Radha Kumari, V. Vijaya Kumar, and K. Rama Naidu
Optimizing Fast Fourier Transform (FFT) Image Compression using Intelligent Water Drop (IWD) Algorithm, Surinder Kaur, Gopal Chaudhary, Javalkar Dinesh Kumar, Manu S. Pillai, Yash Gupta, Manju Khari, Vicente García-Díaz, and Javier Parra Fuente
Our System IDCBR-MAS: from the Modelisation by AUML to the Implementation under JADE Platform, Abdelhamid Zouhair, El Mokhtar En-Naimi, Benaissa Amami, Hadhoum Boukachour, Patrick Person, and Cyrille Bertelle
Overlap Algorithms in Flexible Job-shop Scheduling, Celia Gutierrez
Painting Authorship and Forgery Detection Challenges with AI Image Generation Algorithms: Rembrandt and 17th Century Dutch Painters as a Case Study, Marcelo Fraile-Narváez, Ismael Sagredo-Olivenza, and Nadia McGowan
Patterns of Software Development Process, Rubén González-Crespo, S J. Bolaños-Castro, and V H. Medina-Garcia
PeopleNet: A Novel People Counting Framework for Head-Mounted Moving Camera Videos, Tomar Ankit, Kumar Santosh, and Pant Bhasker
Performance and Convergence Analysis of Modified C-Means Using Jeffreys-Divergence for Clustering, Ayan Seal, Aditya Karlekar, Ondrej Krejcar, and Enrique Herrera-Viedma
Performance comparison of hierarchical checkpoint protocols grid computing, Ndeye Massata Ndiaye, Pierre Sens, and Ousmane Thiare
Performance Enhancement of Wind Farms Using Tuned SSSC Based on Artificial Neural Network, Salah Kamel, Francisco Jurado, Ahmed Rashad, Yousry Ibrahim, and Loai Nasrat
Performance Evaluation of AODV Routing Protocol in VANET with NS2, Divya Rathi and Rashmi Welekar
Personality and Education Mining based Job Advisory System, Rajendra Choudhary, Rajul Kukreja, Nitika Jain, and Shikha Jain
PInCom project: SaaS Big Data Platform for and Communication Channels, Juan Manuel Lombardo, Miguel Angel Lopez, Felipe Miron, Susana Velasco, Juan Pablo Sevilla, and Juan Mellado
PI Stabilization for Congestion Control of AQM Routers with Tuning Parameter Optimization, S Chebli and Ahmed El Akkary
PLANE: A Platform for Negotiation of Multi-attribute Multimedia Objects, Rharon Guedes, Marcus Laurentino, Carlos Dias, and Alisson Brito
Planning and Allocation of Digital Learning Objects with Augmented Reality to Higher Education Students According to the VARK Model, Mireles Medina, Carrillo García, and Montes Olguín
Point Cloud Deep Learning Solution for Hand Gesture Recognition, César Osimani, Juan Jesus Ojeda-Castelo, and Jose A. Piedra-Fernandez
Pollutant Time Series Analysis for Improving Air-Quality in Smart Cities, Raúl López-Blanco, Miguel Chaveinte García, Ricardo S. Alonso, Javier Prieto, and Juan M. Corchado
PRACTICA. A Virtual Reality Platform for Specialized Training Oriented to Improve the Productivity, Juan Manuel Lombardo, Miguel Angel Lopez, Susana Velasco, Vicente García, Mabel López, Rubén Cañadas, and Mónica León
PredicForex. A tool for a reliable market. Playing with currencies., Aguilera Collar, R González-Cebrián Toba, and Concepción Cortés Velasco
Predicting Consumer Electronics E-Commerce: Technology Acceptance Model and Logistics Service Quality, Cheng-Feng Wu, Kunkun Zhang, Meng-Chen Lin, and Chei-Chang Chiou
Predicting Student Performance in Higher Education Institutions Using Decision Tree Analysis, Alaa Khalaf Hamoud, Ali Salah Hashim, and Wid Aqeel Awadh
Predictive Model for Taking Decision to Prevent University Dropout, Argelia B. Urbina-Nájera and Luis A. Méndez-Ortega
Probabilistic Load Flow Solution Considering Optimal Allocation of SVC in Radial Distribution System, Walaa Ahmed, Ali Selim, Salah Kamel, Juan Yu, and Francisco Jurado
Problem Detection in the Edge of IoT Applications, Iván Bernabé-Sánchez, Alberto Fernández, Holger Billhardt, and Sascha Ossowski
Promising Deep Semantic Nuclei Segmentation Models for Multi-Institutional Histopathology Images of Different Organs, Loay Hassan, Adel Saleh, Mohamed Abdel-Nasser, Osama A. Omer, and Domenec Puig
Promoting Social Media Dissemination of Digital Images Through CBR-Based Tag Recommendation, Lucía Martín-Gómez, Javier Pérez-Marcos, Rebeca Cordero-Gutiérrez, and Daniel H. De La Iglesia
Proposing a Machine Learning Approach to Analyze and Predict Employment and its Factors, Francisco García-Peñalvo, Juan Cruz-Benito, Martín Martín-González, Andrea Vázquez-Ingelmo, José Carlos Sánchez-Prieto, and Roberto Therón
Prospecting the future with AI, Jose Miguel Castillo, Conchi Cortes, Julian Gonzalez, and Armando Benito
Prototype of assignment intelligent adaptive of service providers inside of ESB with data mining, Andrés Paolo Castaño
Pulmonary Nodule Classification in Lung Cancer from 3D Thoracic CT Scans Using fastai and MONAI, Satheshkumar Kaliyugarasan, Arvid Lundervold, and Alexander Selvikvåg Lundervold
Push Recovery for Humanoid Robot in Dynamic Environment and Classifying the Data Using K-Mean, Anubha Parashar, Apoorva Parashar, and Somya Goyal
QAM-DWT-SVD Based Watermarking Scheme for Medical Images, Habib Ayad and Mohammed Khalil
QoS based Web Service Selection and Multi-Criteria Decision Making Methods, Pallavi Bagga, Rahul Hans, and Aarchit Joshi
Quantitative Measures for Medical Fundus and Mammography Images Enhancement, Monserrate Intriago-Pazmiño, Julio Ibarra-Fiallo, Adán Guzmán-Castillo, Raúl Alonso-Calvo, and José Crespo
Query Migration from Object Oriented World to Semantic World, Mohamed Bahaj and Nassima Soussi
Reality and Perspectives of a Model for the Population that Obtains its Income with the Use of an Aimal-drawn Vehicle in the City of Bogota, Ismael Fernando Sánchez Aparicio and Oswaldo Alberto Romero Villalobos
Real Time Facial Expression Recognition Using Webcam and SDK Affectiva, Martin Magdin and F Prikler
Real-Time Prediction of Gamers Behavior Using Variable Order Markov and Big Data Technology: A Case of Study, Yago Saez, Alejandro Baldominos Gómez, Esperanza Albacete, and Ignacio Marrero
Real World Anomalous Scene Detection and Classification using Multilayer Deep Neural Networks, Atif Jan and Gul Muhammad Khan
Recognition of Emotions using Energy Based Bimodal Information Fusion and Correlation, Krishna Asawa and Priyanka Manchanda
Recognizing Human Activities Based on Wearable Inertial Measurements - Methods and Applications, Pekka Siirtola
Recognizing Human Activities User-independently on Smartphones Based on Accelerometer Data, Pekka Siirtola and Juha Röning
Reconstruction of High Resolution 3D Objects from Incomplete Images and 3D Information, Holman Bolivar-Baron, Rubén González-Crespo, Jordán Pascual-Espada, and Alexander Pacheco
Re-Evaluating the Relationship Between Economic Development and Self-Employment, at the Macro-Level: A Bayesian Model Averaging Approach, Ana Rodriguez-Santiago
Relative Radiometric Normalization of Multitemporal images, Rubén González-Crespo, C J. Broncano, C Pinilla, and Andrés Castillo-Sanz
Removing Unclassified Hand Tremor Motion from Computer Mouse Input with Neural Networks, Stephen Mack
Requirements for User Experience Management - A Tertiary Study, Andreas Hinderks, Francisco José Domínguez Mayo, María José Escalona, and Jörg Thomaschewski
Research Collaboration Influence Analysis Using Dynamic Co-authorship and Citation Networks, Sidra Razzaq, Ahmad Kamran Malik, Basit Raza, Hasan Ali Khattak, Giomar W. Moscoso Zegarra, and Yvan Díaz Zelada
Research on Brain and Mind Inspired Intelligence, Yang Liu and Jianshe Wei
ResNet18 Supported Inspection of Tuberculosis in Chest Radiographs With Integrated Deep, LBP, and DWT Features, Venkatesan Rajinikanth, Seifedine Kadry, and Pablo Moreno-Ger
Resource and Process Management With a Decision Model Based on Fuzzy Logic, J. T. Fornerón Martínez, F. Agostini, and D. L. La Red Martínez
Results of a Study to Improve the Spanish Version of the User Experience Questionnaire (UEQ), Mónica Hernández-Campos, Jörg Thomaschewski, and Yuen C. Law
Review of Current Student-Monitoring Techniques used in eLearning-Focused recommender Systems and Learning analytics. The Experience API & LIME model Case Study, Daniel Burgos and Alberto Corbi Bellot
Revisiting “Recognizing Human Activities User- Independently on Smartphones Based on Accelerometer Data” – What Has Happened Since 2012?, Pekka Siirtola and Juha Röning
RGBeat: A Recoloring Algorithm for Deutan and Protan Dichromats, Madalena Ribeiro and Abel Gomes
Rhetorical Pattern Finding, Francisco Gómez, Manuel Tizón, Aitor Arronte Alvarez, and Victor Padilla
RIADA: A Machine-Learning Based Infrastructure for Recognising the Emotions of Spotify Songs, P. Álvarez, J. García de Quirós, and S. Baldassarri
Rituals and Data Analytics: A Mixed-Methods Model to Process Personal Beliefs, Daniel Burgos
Robust Artificial Immune System in the Hopfield network for Maximum k-Satisfiability, Mohd Shareduwan Bin Mohd Kasihmuddin, Mohd Asyraf Bin Mansor, and Saratha Sathasivam
Robust Lossless Semi Fragile Information Protection in Images, Pushkar Dixit, Nishant Singh, and Jay Prakash Gupta
Route planning algorithms: Planific@ Project, Carlos Martín García and Gonzalo Martín Ortega
Rumour Source Detection Using Game Theory, Minni Jain, Aman Jaswani, Ankita Mehra, and Laqshay Mudgal
SALCER´s Project, Bosco Espinós and Carlos Pérez
Sales Prediction through Neural Networks for a Small Dataset, Rosa María Cantón Croda, Damián Emilio Gibaja Romero, and Santiago Omar Caballero Morales
Satisfiability Logic Analysis Via Radial Basis Function Neural Network with Artificial Bee Colony Algorithm, Mohd Shareduwan Bin Mohd Kasihmuddin, Mohd Asyraf Bin Mansor, Shehab Abdulhabib Alzaeemi, and Saratha Sathasivam
Savana: Re-using Electronic Health Records with Artificial Intelligence, Ignacio Hernández Medrano, Jorge Tello Guijarro, Cristóbal Belda, Alberto Ureña, Ignacio Salcedo, Luis Espinosa-Anke, and Horacio Saggion
Scene Integration for Online VR Advertising Clouds, Michael Kalochristianakis, Markos Zampoglou, Kostas Kontakis, Kostas Kapetanakis, and Athanasios Malamos
S-Divergence-Based Internal Clustering Validation Index, Krishna Kumar Sharma, Ayan Seal, Anis Yazidi, and Ondrej Krejcar
Securing Cloud Computing from Different Attacks Using Intrusion Detection Systems, Omar Achbarou, My Ahmed El kiram, and Salim El Bouanani
Security Framework for Agent-Based Cloud Computing, K Venkateshwaran, Anu Malviya, Utkarsha Dikshit, and S Venkatesan
Security Guidelines for the Development of Accessible Web Applications through the implementation of intelligent systems, Juan Manuel Cueva-Lovelle, Gloria García-Fernández, Luis Joyanes Aguilar, Edward Núñez-Valdez, and Oscar Sanjuan-Martinez
Segmentation-free Word Spotting for Handwritten Arabic Documents, Ghizlane Khaissidi, Youssef Elfakir, Mostafa Mrabti, Mounîm El Yacoubi, Driss Chenouni, and Zakia Lakhliai
Segmentation of Arabic Handwritten Documents into Text Lines using Watershed Transform, Youssef Boulid, Abdelghani Souhar, Mly. Ouagague, and E Ameur
Selecting Statistical Characteristics of Brain Signals to Detect Epileptic Seizures using Discrete Wavelet Transform and Perceptron Neural Network, Mansour Esmaeilpour and Rezvan Abbasi
Self-Organized Hybrid Wireless Sensor Network for Finding Randomly Moving Target in Unknown Environment, Mininath Nighot, Ashok Ghatol, and Vilas Thakare
Semantic Brokering of Multimedia Contents for Smart Delivery of Ubiquitous Services in Pervasive Environments, Alba Amato, Beniamino Di Martino, and Salvatore Venticinque
Semantics of immersive web through its architectural structure and graphic primitives, Holman Bolivar-Baron, Rubén González-Crespo, and Alexander Pacheco
Semi-Automated Correction Tools for Mathematics-Based Exercises in MOOC Environments, Daniel Burgos and Alberto Corbi Bellot
Sentiment Analysis and Classification of Hotel Opinions in Twitter With the Transformer Architecture, Sergio Arroni, Yerai Galán, Xiomarah Guzmán-Guzmán, Edward Rolando Nuñez-Valdez, and Alberto Gómez
Sentiment Analysis on IMDb Movie Reviews Using Hybrid Feature Extraction Method, B S. Harish, Keerthi Kumar, and H K. Darshan
Service Orchestration on the Internet of Things, Jordán Pascual-Espada
Simple MoCap System for Home Usage, Martin Magdin
SketchyDynamics: A Library for the Development of Physics Simulation Applications with Sketch-Based Interfaces, Abílio Costa and João Pereira
Smart Algorithms to Control a Variable Speed Wind Turbine, Nabil Farhane, Ismail Boumhidi, and Jaouad Boumhidi
Smart Contracts with Blockchain in the Public Sector, Jenny Alexandra Triana Casallas, Juan Manuel Cueva-Lovelle, and José Ignacio Rodríguez Molano
Smart Indoor Positioning/Location and Navigation: A Lightweight Approach, Jose Antonio Puertolas-Montañez, Adriana Mendoza-Rodriguez, and Ivan Sanz-Prieto
Smoke Test Planning using Answer Set Programming, Tobias Philipp, Valentin Roland, and Lukas Schweizer
Social and Cultural Dimensions of Digital Inclusions, Juan Luis Chulilla-Cano
Social maturity of WWW and AI feedback: opportunities for an additional human revolution, Juan Luis Chulilla-Cano and Pilar Azagra Albericio
Social Network Analysis and Big Data tools applied to the Systemic Risk supervision, Mari-Carmen Mochón
Social Networks as Learning Environments for Higher Education, J.A. Cortés and J O. Lozano
Social Relations and Methods in Recommender Systems: A Systematic Review, Diego Medel, Carina González-González, and Silvana V. Aciar
Social Seducement: Empowering Social Economy Entrepreneurship. The Training Approach, Daniel Burgos, Natalia Padilla-Zea, and Stefania Aceto
Social Voting Techniques: A Comparison of the Methods Used for Explicit Feedback in Recommendation Systems, Juan Manuel Cueva-Lovelle, G Infante-Hernandez, Carlos Enrique Montenegro-Marin, Edward Núñez-Valdez, and Oscar Sanjuan-Martinez
Soft Computing Modelling of Urban Evolution: Tehran Metropolis, Mostafa Borhani and Nima Ghasemloo
Software fires detection and extinction for forest, de la Nuria Utande González Higuera and Juan Carlos García Seco
SOLAM: A Novel Approach of Spatial Aggregation in SOLAP Systems, Hamdadou Djamila and Farah Amina Zemri
Solving an Optimal Control Problem of Cancer Treatment by Artificial Neural Networks, F. Heydarpour, E. Abbasi, M. J. Ebadi, and S. M. Karbassi
Solving the Weighted Constraint Satisfaction Problems Via the Neural Network Approach, Mohamed Ettaouil, Khalid Haddouch, and Karim Elmoutaoukil
Spatial and Textural Aspects for Arabic Handwritten Characters Recognition, Youssef Boulid, Abdelghani Souhar, and Mly. Ouagague
Spatial Sound Rendering – A Survey, Eftychia Lakka, Athanasios Malamos, K G. Pavlakis, and J A. Ware
Spectral Restoration Based Speech Enhancement for Robust Speaker Identification, Nasir Saleem and Tayyaba Gul Tareen
Sphericall: A Human/Artificial Intelligence interaction experience, Frack Gechter, Bruno Ronzani, and Fabien Rioli
Spiking Activity of a LIF Neuron in Distributed Delay Framework, Saket Kumar Choudhary, Karan Singh, and Vijender Kumar Solanki
SRec and VAST: Visualizing Software with a Student-Centered Aim, Francisco Javier Almeida-Martínez and Antonio Pérez-Carrasco
STAIBT: Blockchain and CP-ABE Empowered Secure and Trusted Agricultural IoT Blockchain Terminal, Guofeng Zhang, Xiao Chen, Lei Zhang, Bin Feng, Xuchao Guo, Jingyun Liang, and Yanan Zhang
Statistical Comparisons of the Top 10 Algorithms in Data Mining for Classification Task, Nesma Settouti, Mohammed El Amine Bechar, and Mohammed Amine Chikh
Step Characterization using Sensor Information Fusion and Machine Learning, Paulo Novais, Ricardo Anacleto, Lino Figueiredo, Ana Almeida, and António Meireles
StuA: An Intelligent Student Assistant, Shikha Jain, Pooja Lodhi, Omji Mishra, and Vasvi Bajaj
Supporting Multi-agent Coordination and Computational Collective Intelligence in Enterprise 2.0 Platform, Noria Taghezout and Seddik Reguieg
Supporting Skill Assessment in Learning Experiences Based on Serious Games Through Process Mining Techniques, Juan Antonio Caballero-Hernández, Manuel Palomo-Duarte, Juan Manuel Dodero, and Dragan Gaševic
SVM and ANN Based Classification of Plant Diseases Using Feature Reduction Technique, Jagadeesh D.Pujari, Rajesh Yakkundimath, and Abdulmunaf. Syedhusain Byadgi
Swift vs. Objective-C: A New Programming Language, Juan Manuel Cueva-Lovelle, Cristina Pelayo G-Bustelo, Jordán Pascual-Espada, and Cristian González García
Synthetic Aperture Radar Automatic Target Recognition Based on a Simple Attention Mechanism, Chiagoziem C. Ukwuoma, Qin Zhiguang, Bole W. Tienin, Sophyani B. Yussif, Chukwuebuka J. Ejiyi, Gilbert C. Urama, Chibueze D. Ukwuoma, and Ijeoma A. Chikwendu
Taxonomies for Reasoning About Cyber-physical Attacks in IoT-based Manufacturing Systems, Yao Pan, Jules White, Douglas Schmidt, Ahmad Elhabashy, Logan Sturm, Jaime Camelio, and Christopher Williams
TD2SecIoT: Temporal, Data-Driven and Dynamic Network Layer Based Security Architecture for Industrial IoT, Dawit Dejene, Basant Tiwari, and Vivek Tiwari
Teaching through Learning Analytics: Predicting Student Learning Profiles in a Physics Course at a Higher Education Institution, Elvira G. Rincon-Flores, Eunice Lopez-Camacho, Juanjo Mena, and Omar Olmos
Techniques to Detect DoS and DDoS Attacks and an Introduction of a Mobile Agent System to Enhance it in Cloud Computing, Abdelali Saidi, Elmehdi Bendriss, Ali Kartit, and Mohamed El Marraki
Temporal Information Processing and Stability Analysis of the MHSN Neuron Model in DDF, Saket Kumar Choudhary and Karan Singh
Tests of Usability Guidelines About Response to User Actions. Importance, Compliance, and Application of the Guidelines, Lucía Alonso-Virgós, Jordán Pascual-Espada, and Gustavo Rossi
Text Analytics: the convergence of Big Data and Artificial Intelligence, Teófilo Redondo and Antonio Moreno Sandoval
The Application of Artificial Intelligence in Project Management Research: A Review, Jesús Gil, Javier Martínez Torres, and Rubén González-Crespo
The Cambrian Explosion of Popular 3D Printing, Juan Luis Chulilla-Cano
The Combination of Mammography and MRI for Diagnosing Breast Cancer Using Fuzzy NN and SVM, Mansour Esmaeilpour, Elham Gohariyan, and Mohammad Mehdi Shirmohammadi
The Digital Economy: Social Interaction Technologies – an Overview, Teófilo Redondo
The Game Theory in Quantum Computers: A Review, Raquel Pérez-Antón, José Ignacio López Sánchez, and Alberto Corbi
The Human Motion Behavior Recognition by Deep Learning Approach and the Internet of Things, Li Hui, Liu Huayang, Zhao Wei, and Liu Hao
The Possibilities of Classification of Emotional States Based on User Behavioral Characteristics, Martin Magdin, D. Držík, J. Reichel, and S Koprda
The Promotion of Graduate Programs through Clustering Prospective Students, Rosa María Cantón Croda, Damián Emilio Gibaja Romero, and Fernando-Rey Castillo-Villar
The Semantics of History. Interdisciplinary Categories and Methods for Digital Historical Research, Esther Travé Allepuz, Pablo del Fresno Bernal, Alfred Mauri Martí, and Sonia Medina Gordo
The Silver Lining Methodology, Jose Miguel Castillo
“The Singularity is near!” Visions of Artificial Intelligence in Posthumanism and Transhumanism, Oliver Krüger
The Use of Genetic Algorithms in UV Disinfection of Drinking Water, Hugo Zaldaña and Emerson Castañeda
The Yield Curve as a Recession Leading Indicator. An Application for Gradient Boosting and Random Forest, Pedro Cadahia Delgado, Emilio Congregado, Antonio A. Golpe, and José Carlos Vides
Time-Dependent Performance Prediction System for Early Insight in Learning Trends, Carlos Villagrá-Arnedo, Francisco Gallego-Durán, Faraón Llorens-Largo, Rosana Satorre-Cuerda, Patricia Compañ-Rosique, and Rafael Molina-Carmona
Topic Models and Fusion Methods: a Union to Improve Text Clustering and Cluster Labeling, Mohsen Pourvali, Salvatore Orlando, and Hosna Omidvarborna
Tourism-Related Placeness Feature Extraction from Social Media Data Using Machine Learning Models, P. Muñoz, E. Doñaque, A. Larrañaga, Javier Martínez Torres, and A. Mejías
Towards a Better Learning Models Through OCWs and MOOCs, Alicia Cordero, Cristina Jordán Lluch, Esther Sanabria Codesal, and Juan Torregrosa
Towards an Ontology to Describe the Taxonomy of Common Modules in Learning Management Systems, Juan Manuel Cueva-Lovelle, Carlos Enrique Montenegro-Marin, Edward Núñez-Valdez, and Oscar Sanjuan-Martinez
Towards a Robust Thermal-Visible Heterogeneous Face Recognition Approach Based on a Cycle Generative Adversarial Network, Nadir Kamel Benamara, Ehlem Zigh, Tarik Boudghene Stambouli, and Mokhtar Keche
Towards a Solution to Create, Test and Publish Mixed Reality Experiences for Occupational Safety and Health Learning: Training-MR, Miguel Angel Lopez, Sara Terrón, Juan Manuel Lombardo, and Rubén González-Crespo
Towards a Standard-based Domain-specific Platform to Solve Machine Learning-based Problems, Juan Manuel Cueva-Lovelle, Vicente García-Díaz, Cristina Pelayo G-Bustelo, and Jordán Pascual-Espada
Towards Multi-perspective Conformance Checking with Fuzzy Sets, Sicui Zhang, Laura Genga, Hui Yan, Hongchao Nie, Xudong Lu, and Uzay Kaymak
Towards the Grade’s Prediction. A Study of Different Machine Learning Approaches to Predict Grades from Student Interaction Data, Héctor Alonso-Misol Gerlache, Pablo Moreno-Ger, and Luis de-la-Fuente Valentín
Traceable Ecosystem and Strategic Framework for the Creation of an Integrated Pest Management System for Intensive Farming, Miguel Angel Lopez, Juan Manuel Lombardo, Mabel López, David Álvarez, Susana Velasco, and Sara Terrón
Tracking News Stories Using Blockchain to Guarantee their Traceability and Information Analysis, Francisco Jurado, Oscar Delgado, and Álvaro Ortigosa
Transmission Dynamics Model of Coronavirus COVID-19 for the Outbreak in Most Affected Countries of the World, Muhammad Dur-e-Ahmad and Mudassar Imran
Tree Growth Algorithm for Parameter Identification of Proton Exchange Membrane Fuel Cell Models, Salah Kamel, Francisco Jurado, Hamdy Sultan, and Ahmed Menesy
Trust Levels Definition On Virtual Learning Platforms Through Semantic Languages, Paulo Alonso Gaona-García, Carlos Enrique Montenegro-Marin, and Jesús Soto-Carrión
TV Series and Social Media: Powerful Engagement Factors in Mobile Video Games, Yago Saez, Asunción Mochón, and de Fernando Rada
Two Hand Gesture Based 3D Navigation in Virtual Environments, I Rehman, S Ullah, and M Raees
Two-Stage Human Activity Recognition Using 2D-ConvNet, Kamal Kant Verma, Brij Mohan Singh, H L. Mandoria, and Prachi Chauhan
UC@MOOC's Effectiveness by Producing Open Educational Resources, Abdellah Idrissi, Sofia Margoum, Rachid Bendaoud, and Khalid Berrada
Uncertainty Model For Quantitative Precipitation Estimation Using Weather Radars, Ernesto Gómez Vargas, Nelson Obregón Neira, and Lindsay Álvarez Pomar
Uncoolness factor of collaborative Web Mining Tools (WMT), Juan Luis Chulilla-Cano and Pilar Azagra
Unifying the Classical Approach with New Technologies: An Innovative Proposal for Teaching Mathematics in Engineering, Sergio Amat, Sonia Busquier, María José Legaz, and Juan Ruiz
Usability Evaluation Methods for Special Interest Internet Information Services, Eva Maria Schön, Jens Hellmers, and Jörg Thomaschewski
User Identification and Verification from a Pair of Simultaneous EEG Channels Using Transform Based Features, Loay George and Hend Hadi
Users Integrity Constraints in SOLAP Systems. Application in Agroforestry, Abdallah Bensalloua Charef and Hamdadou Djamila
Use Trust Management Framework to Achieve Effective Security Mechanisms in Cloud Environment, Hicham Toumi, Bouchra Marzak, Amal Talea, Ahmed Eddaoui, and Mohamed Talea
Using Customer Knowledge Surveys to Explain Sales of Postgraduate Programs: A Machine Learning Approach, Eva Asensio, Alejandro Almeida, Aida Galiano, and Juan-Manuel Martín-Álvarez
Using GDELT Data to Evaluate the Confidence on the Spanish Government Energy Policy, Diego Bodas-Sagi and José Labeaga
Using Grip Strength as a Cardiovascular Risk Indicator Based on Hybrid Algorithms, E.F. Bareño-Castellanos, Paulo Alonso Gaona-García, J.E. Ortiz-Guzmán, and Carlos Enrique Montenegro-Marin
Using Large Language Models to Shape Social Robots’ Speech, Javier Sevilla-Salcedo, Enrique Fernádez-Rodicio, Laura Martín-Galván, Álvaro Castro-González, José C. Castillo, and Miguel A. Salichs
Using Local Grammar for Entity Extraction from Clinical Reports, Aicha Ghoulam, Fatiha Barigou, Ghalem Belalem, and Farid Meziane
Using Recommendation System for E-learning Environments at degree level, Rubén González-Crespo, Enrique Torres-Franco, Cristina Pelayo G-Bustelo, and Oscar Sanjuan-Martinez
Using Rules to Adapt Applications for Business Models with High Evolutionary Rates, Guillermo Infante-Hernandez, Aquilino Adolfo Juan-Fuente, Bejamin Lopez-Perez, and L J. Cases-Fernandez
Using the Statistical Machine Learning Models ARIMA and SARIMA to Measure the Impact of Covid-19 on Official Provincial Sales of Cigarettes in Spain, Andoni Andueza, Miguel Ángel Del Arco-Osuna, Bernat Fornés, Rubén González-Crespo, and Juan-Manuel Martín-Álvarez
UX of Social Network Edmodo in Undergraduate Engineering Students, Angélica Díaz, Angel Alberto Magreñán, and Lara Orcos
UX Poker: Estimating the Influence of User Stories on User Experience in Early Stage of Agile Development, Andreas Hinderks, Dominique Winter, Francisco José Domínguez Mayo, María José Escalona, and Jörg Thomaschewski
Validity and Intra Rater Reliability of a New Device for Tongue Force Measurement, Marta Carlota Diaz-Saez, Hector Beltran-Alacreu, Javier Gil-Castillo, Gonzalo Navarro-Fernández, Jose Luis Cebrián Carretero, and Alfonso Gil-Martínez
Variational Learning for the Inverted Beta-Liouville Mixture Model and Its Application to Text Categorization, Yongfa Ling, Wenbo Guan, Qiang Ruan, Heping Song, and Yuping Lai
Variation of the Heartbeat and Activity as an Indicator of Drowsiness at the Wheel Using a Smartwatch, Sergio Rios-Aguilar, José Luis Miguel Merino, Andrés Millán Sánchez, and Álvaro Sánchez Valdivieso
Video Data Compression by Progressive Iterative Approximation, M. J. Ebadi and A. Ebrahimi
Violence Detection in Audio: Evaluating the Effectiveness of Deep Learning Models and Data Augmentation, Dalila Durães, Bruno Veloso, and Paulo Novais
Virtual Objects on the Internet of Things, Juan Manuel Cueva-Lovelle, Cristina Pelayo G-Bustelo, Jordán Pascual-Espada, and Oscar Sanjuan-Martinez
Virtual Planning and Intraoperative Navigation in Craniomaxillofacial Surgery, Jose Luis Cebrián Carretero, Jorge Guiñales, and Miguel Burgueño García
Virtual Reality and Language Models, a New Frontier in Learning, Juan Izquierdo-Domenech, Jordi Linares-Pellicer, and Isabel Ferri-Molla
Voice Analysis Using PRAAT Software and Classification of User Emotional State, Martin Magdin, T Sulka, J Tomanová, and M Vozár
Voltage Stability Assessment of Radial Distribution Systems Including Optimal Allocation of Distributed Generators, Ali Selim, Salah Kamel, Francisco Jurado, and Loai Nasrat
Voltage Stability Enhancement Based on Optimal Allocation of Shunt Compensation Devices Using Lightning Attachment Procedure Optimization, Salah Kamel and Heba Youssef
What Causes the Dependency between Perceived Aesthetics and Perceived Usability?, Martin Schrepp, Raphael Otten, Kerstin Blum, and Jörg Thomaschewski
What Do We Mean by GenAI? A Systematic Mapping of The Evolution, Trends, and Techniques Involved in Generative AI, Francisco García-Peñalvo and Andrea Vázquez-Ingelmo
What Drives IoT-Based Smart Pet Appliances Usage Intention? The Perspective of the Unified Theory of Acceptance and Use of Technology Model, Chia-Chen Chen and Chia-Pei Lin
Why the Future Might Actually Need Us: A Theological Critique of the ‘Humanity-As-Midwife-For-Artificial-Superintelligence’ Proposal, Marius Dorobantu
Wireless Sensor Networks and Real-Time Locating Systems to Fight against Maritime Piracy, Óscar García, Ricardo Alonso, Dante Tapia, and Fabio Guevara
Workforce Optimization for Bank Operation Centers: A Machine Learning Approach, Sefik Ilkin Serengil and Alper Ozpinar
WoT model for authenticity contents in virtual learning platforms, Paulo Alonso Gaona-García and Jesús Soto-Carrión
“Wrapping” X3DOM around Web Audio API, Andreas Stamoulias, Eftychia Lakka, and Athanasios Malamos
Writing Order Recovery in Complex and Long Static Handwriting, Moises Diaz, Gioele Crispo, Antonio Parziale, Angelo Marcelli, and Miguel A. Ferrer
Your Teammate Just Sent You a New Message! The Effects of Using Telegram on Individual Acquisition of Teamwork Competence, Miguel Á. Conde, Francisco J. Rodríguez-Sedano, Ángel Hernández-García, Alexis Gutiérrez-Fernández, and Ángel M. Guerrero-Higueras