ChanVese model segmentation has been applied for contour detection of mass region in mammogram in our previous work. Available information of the desired object contour is used, in this paper, for B-spline approximation. The mass region boundary (contour) is thereafter approximated by a B-spline curve. This approach allows synthesizing the shape of the suspected mass appearing in the mammogram. Experimental results show the accurateness of mass region contour in mammograms using B-spline approximation.
Source Publication
International Journal of Interactive Multimedia and Artificial Intelligence
Recommended Citation
Youssef, Youssef Ben; Abdelmounim, hassane El; and Lamnii, Abdellah
"Contour Detection of Mammogram Masses Using ChanVese Model and B-Spline Approximation,"
International Journal of Interactive Multimedia and Artificial Intelligence: Vol. 4:
5, Article 9.
DOI: 10.9781/ijimai.2017.454
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