Artificial Intelligence (AI) represents one of the fastest growing areas of knowledge, sectors and fields of action globally. This growth has allowed to mark different positions, where the most favorable ones are oriented to its unquestionable contribution to facilitate decision making in various fields of society, as well as other sectors that mark a strong position for its use to be carried out in a regulated and measured way due to the scope and risks to which we are exposed. For this reason, rigorous methods are increasingly required for the design and development of AI-based computational models; methods that involve strict mechanisms for their validation, as well as the analysis of possible risks and scope that they may have on the field of application where they are being exposed. This type of aspects would definitely mark a valuable and relevant milestone to define several paths within which we can find two: 1) if it is definitely necessary to set limits on the use of AI by establishing increasingly sophisticated regulatory frameworks on various areas involving data protection and regulated use of the same, and 2) to remove all barriers so that it can be exploited openly in all its dimensions in any area of our society. Hence the importance of analysing the different risks and threats that AI may present within the particular context in which it is being applied.
Source Publication
International Journal of Interactive Multimedia and Artificial Intelligence
Recommended Citation
Gaona-García, Paulo Alonso
"Editor’s Note,"
International Journal of Interactive Multimedia and Artificial Intelligence: Vol. 8:
2, Article 1.
DOI: 10.9781/ijimai.2023.05.005
Available at: