The Flow Shop Scheduling Problem (FSSP) is notoriously NP-hard combinatorial optimization problem. The goal is to find a schedule that minimizes the makespan. This paper proposes an adaptation of a new approach called Golden Ball Algorithm (GBA). The proposed algorithm has been never tested with FSSP; it’s based on soccer concept to obtain the optimal solution. Numerical results are presented for 22 instances of OR- Library. The computational results indicate that this approach is practical for small OR-Library instances.
Source Publication
International Journal of Interactive Multimedia and Artificial Intelligence
Recommended Citation
Sayoti, Fatima and Riffi, Mohammed Essaid
"Golden Ball Algorithm for solving Flow Shop Scheduling Problem,"
International Journal of Interactive Multimedia and Artificial Intelligence: Vol. 4:
1, Article 13.
DOI: 10.9781/ijimai.2016.413
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