Volume 4, Issue 1 (2025) Special Issue on Artificial Intelligence Underpinning
Comparison between Famous Game Engines and Eminent Games
Prerna Mishra and Urmila Shrawankar
Correlation Between Coupling Metrics Values and Number of Classes in Multimedia Java Projects: A Case Study
V S. Bivde and P Sarasu
Evaluating the Emotional State of a User Using a Webcam
Martin Magdin, Milan Turcani, and Lukas Hudec
IJIMAI Editor's Note - Vol. 4 Issue 1
Mohamed Bahaj
Solving the Weighted Constraint Satisfaction Problems Via the Neural Network Approach
Mohamed Ettaouil, Khalid Haddouch, and Karim Elmoutaoukil
PI Stabilization for Congestion Control of AQM Routers with Tuning Parameter Optimization
S Chebli and Ahmed El Akkary
MaxHopCount: A New Drop Policy to Optimize Messages Delivery Rate in Delay Tolerant Networks
Youssef Harrati and Abdelmounaim Abdali
Multilayer Perceptron: Architecture Optimization and Training
Hassan Ramchoun, Youssef Ghanou, Mohamed Ettaouil, and Mohammed Amine Janati Idrissi
Statistical Comparisons of the Top 10 Algorithms in Data Mining for Classification Task
Nesma Settouti, Mohammed El Amine Bechar, and Mohammed Amine Chikh
Detection of Text Lines of Handwritten Arabic Manuscripts using Markov Decision Processes
Youssef Boulid, Abdelghani Souhar, and Mohamed Elyoussfi Elkettani
A Self-Calibration Method of Zooming Camera
Ismail El Batteoui, Abderrahim Saaidi, and Khalid Satori
A Distributed Intelligent System for Emergency Convoy
Mohammed Benalla, Boujemâa Achchab, and Hamid Hrimech
Golden Ball Algorithm for solving Flow Shop Scheduling Problem
Fatima Sayoti and Mohammed Essaid Riffi
Offline Face Recognition System Based on Gabor- Fisher Descriptors and Hidden Markov Models
Zineb Elgarrai, Othmane Elmeslouhi, Mustapha Kardouchi, Hakim Allali, and Sid-Ahmed Selouani
Segmentation-free Word Spotting for Handwritten Arabic Documents
Ghizlane Khaissidi, Youssef Elfakir, Mostafa Mrabti, Mounîm El Yacoubi, Driss Chenouni, and Zakia Lakhliai