Although Medicine has always been considered a Health Science, today it is not possible to obviate its relationship with other disciplines as Humanities and Basic Sciences. Doctors from everywhere and everyday work with the most sophisticated technology are trying to make their profession more accurate and precise, taking in consideration, at the same time, the human part of their daily labour. In this volume of the Journal, we will try to explore the relation between different medical specialities, basic science and engineering. In fact, modern Medicine requires the participation of these professionals who are involved with doctors in multidisciplinary teams. In this sense, Medical Engineering, is a new degree that is offered in a vast number of Universities along the world. This relationship between Medicine and Sciences can be found in any medical speciality so that, our aim in this volume, is to show different examples of doctors working together with other scientifics in any area of Medical sciences.The volume consists on twelve papers. Each paper explores a particular area of this multidisciplinary approach.
Source Publication
International Journal of Interactive Multimedia and Artificial Intelligence
Recommended Citation
Cebrián Carretero, Jose Luis
"IJIMAI Editor's Note - Vol. 4 Issue 5,"
International Journal of Interactive Multimedia and Artificial Intelligence: Vol. 4:
5, Article 13.
DOI: 10.9781/ijimai.2017.450
Available at: