



The development of applications for mobile devices is a constantly growing market which and more and more enterprises support the development of applications for this kind of devices. In that sense, videogames for mobile devices have become very popular worldwide and are now part of highly profitable and competitive industry. Due to the diversity of platforms and mobile devices and the complexity of this kind of applications, the development time and the number of errors within that development process have increased. The productivity of the developers has also decreased due to the necessity of using many programming languages in the development process. One of the most popular strategies is to employ specialized people to perform the development tasks more efficiently, but this involves an increase of the costs, which makes some applications economically unviable. In this article we present the Gade4all Project, consisting in a new platform that aims to facilitate the development of videogames and entertainment software through the use of Domain Specific Languages and Model Driven Engineering. This tool makes possible for users without previous knowledge in the field of software development to create 2D videogames for multiplatform mobile devices in a simple and innovative way.

Source Publication

International Journal of Interactive Multimedia and Artificial Intelligence
