Volume 2, Issue 2 (2025)
IJIMAI Editor’s Note - Vol. 2 Issue 2
Rubén González-Crespo and Jordán Pascual-Espada
Infected Fruit Part Detection using K-Means Clustering Segmentation Technique
Shiv Ram Dubey, Pushkar Dixit, Nishant Singh, and Jay Prakash Gupta
Legal Issues Concerning P2P Exchange of Educational Materials and Their Impact on E-Learning Multi-Agent Systems
Andrés Castillo-Sanz and Eugenio Gil
Using Rules to Adapt Applications for Business Models with High Evolutionary Rates
Guillermo Infante-Hernandez, Aquilino Adolfo Juan-Fuente, Bejamin Lopez-Perez, and L J. Cases-Fernandez
Application of Multiobjective Evolutionary Techniques for Robust Portfolio Optimization
Sandra Garcia-Rodriguez
Open Data as a Key Factor for Developing Expert Systems: A Perspective from Spain
Juan Manuel Cueva-Lovelle, Carlos Enrique Montenegro-Marin, Giovanny Mauricio Tarazona-Bermudez, and Luz Andrea Rodriguez-Rojas
Gade4all: Developing Multi-platform Videogames based on Domain Specific Languages and Model Driven Engineering
Juan Manuel Cueva-Lovelle, Cristina Pelayo G-Bustelo, Edward Núñez-Valdez, Guillermo Infante-Hernandez, and Oscar Sanjuan-Martinez
Smart Indoor Positioning/Location and Navigation: A Lightweight Approach
Jose Antonio Puertolas-Montañez, Adriana Mendoza-Rodriguez, and Ivan Sanz-Prieto
Kuruma: The Vehicle Automatic Data Capture for Urban Computing Collaborative Systems
Vicente García-Díaz, Guillermo Cueva-Fernandez, Jordán Pascual-Espada, and Martin Gonzalez-Rodriguez
BPLOM: BPM Level-Oriented Methodology for Incremental Business Process Modeling and Code Generation on Mobile Platforms
Juan Manuel Cueva-Lovelle, Cristina Pelayo G-Bustelo, Jaime Solis-Martinez, and Natalia Garcia-Menendez
Annotation and Visualization in Android: An Application for Education and Real Time Information
Holman Bolivar-Baron, Rubén González-Crespo, Renato Baranona Neri, and Gustavo Millan Lopez