
Volume 8, Issue 3 (2025) Special Issue on Practical Applications of Agents and Multi-Agent Systems



Pollutant Time Series Analysis for Improving Air-Quality in Smart Cities
Raúl López-Blanco, Miguel Chaveinte García, Ricardo S. Alonso, Javier Prieto, and Juan M. Corchado


Development of an Intelligent Classifier Model for Denial of Service Attack Detection
Álvaro Michelena, Jose Aveleira-Mata, Esteban Jove, Héctor Alaiz-Moretón, Héctor Quintián, and José Luis Calvo-Rolle


Editor’s Note
Ricardo S. Alonso, Pablo Chamoso, Sara Rodríguez-González, and Paulo Novais


A Survey on Demand-Responsive Transportation for Rural and Interurban Mobility
Pasqual Martí, Jaume Jordán, María Angélica González Arrieta, and Vicente Julian


Automatic Cell Counting With YOLOv5: A Fluorescence Microscopy Approach
Sebastián López Flórez, Alfonso González-Briones, Guillermo Hernández, Carlos Ramos, and Fernando de la Prieta


Problem Detection in the Edge of IoT Applications
Iván Bernabé-Sánchez, Alberto Fernández, Holger Billhardt, and Sascha Ossowski


Using Large Language Models to Shape Social Robots’ Speech
Javier Sevilla-Salcedo, Enrique Fernádez-Rodicio, Laura Martín-Galván, Álvaro Castro-González, José C. Castillo, and Miguel A. Salichs