Volume 8, Issue 3 (2025) Special Issue on Practical Applications of Agents and Multi-Agent Systems
An Investigation Into Different Text Representations to Train an Artificial Immune Network for Clustering Texts
Matheus A. Ferraria, Vinicius A. Ferraria, and Leandro N. de Castro
Pollutant Time Series Analysis for Improving Air-Quality in Smart Cities
Raúl López-Blanco, Miguel Chaveinte García, Ricardo S. Alonso, Javier Prieto, and Juan M. Corchado
Development of an Intelligent Classifier Model for Denial of Service Attack Detection
Álvaro Michelena, Jose Aveleira-Mata, Esteban Jove, Héctor Alaiz-Moretón, Héctor Quintián, and José Luis Calvo-Rolle
Editor’s Note
Ricardo S. Alonso, Pablo Chamoso, Sara Rodríguez-González, and Paulo Novais
Violence Detection in Audio: Evaluating the Effectiveness of Deep Learning Models and Data Augmentation
Dalila Durães, Bruno Veloso, and Paulo Novais
Consensus-Based Learning for MAS: Definition, Implementation and Integration in IVEs
C. Carrascosa, F. Enguix, M. Rebollo, and J. Rincon
A Survey on Demand-Responsive Transportation for Rural and Interurban Mobility
Pasqual Martí, Jaume Jordán, María Angélica González Arrieta, and Vicente Julian
Automatic Cell Counting With YOLOv5: A Fluorescence Microscopy Approach
Sebastián López Flórez, Alfonso González-Briones, Guillermo Hernández, Carlos Ramos, and Fernando de la Prieta
Problem Detection in the Edge of IoT Applications
Iván Bernabé-Sánchez, Alberto Fernández, Holger Billhardt, and Sascha Ossowski
Using Large Language Models to Shape Social Robots’ Speech
Javier Sevilla-Salcedo, Enrique Fernádez-Rodicio, Laura Martín-Galván, Álvaro Castro-González, José C. Castillo, and Miguel A. Salichs