
Volume 5, Issue 4 (2025) Special Issue on Artificial Intelligence Applications



Editor’s Note
Francisco Mochón


Topic Models and Fusion Methods: a Union to Improve Text Clustering and Cluster Labeling
Mohsen Pourvali, Salvatore Orlando, and Hosna Omidvarborna


PRACTICA. A Virtual Reality Platform for Specialized Training Oriented to Improve the Productivity
Juan Manuel Lombardo, Miguel Angel Lopez, Susana Velasco, Vicente García, Mabel López, Rubén Cañadas, and Mónica León


Day-Ahead Price Forecasting for the Spanish Electricity Market
Julia Díaz, Álvaro Romero, and José Ramón Dorronsoro


Evaluation of a Diagnostic Decision Support System for the Triage of Patients in a Hospital Emergency Department
Germán Seara, Julio Mayol, JC Nazario Arancibia, FJ Martín Sanchez, rey AL Del Mejías, del Gonzalez Castillo, Chafer Vilaplana, MA García Briñon, and MM Suárez-Cadenas


Sales Prediction through Neural Networks for a Small Dataset
Rosa María Cantón Croda, Damián Emilio Gibaja Romero, and Santiago Omar Caballero Morales


Biomedical Term Extraction: NLP Techniques in Computational Medicine
Teófilo Redondo, Julia Díaz, Antonio Moreno Sandoval, and Leonardo Campillos Llanos


A Review of Artificial Intelligence in the Internet of Things
Cristian González García, Edward Núñez-Valdez, Vicente García-Díaz, Cristina Pelayo G-Bustelo, and Juan Manuel Cueva-Lovelle


A Fuzzy Linguistic RFM Model Applied to Campaign Management
Enrique Herrera-Viedma, Ramón Alberto Carrasco, María Francisca Blasco, and Jesús García-Madariaga


Driver Fatigue Detection using Mean Intensity, SVM, and SIFT
Saima Naz, Sheikh Ziauddin, and Ahmad Shahid