Volume 4, Issue 2 (2025)
A Review on Block Matching Motion Estimation and Automata Theory based Approaches for Fractal Coding
Shailesh Kamble, Nileshsingh Thakur, and Preeti Bajaj
Design and Implementation of a Combinatorial Optimization Multi-population Meta-heuristic for Solving Vehicle Routing Problems
Eneko Osaba and Fernando Díaz
Intelligent e-Learning Systems: An Educational Paradigm Shift
Suman Bhattacharya and Sayan Nath
Integrating Agents into a Collaborative Knowledge-based System for Business Rules Consistency Management
Nawal Sad Houari and Noria Taghezout
Novel Agent Based-approach for Industrial Diagnosis: A Combined use Between Case-based Reasoning and Similarity Measure
Noria Taghezout, Fatima Zohra Benkaddour, and Bouabdellah Ascar
Euclidean Distance Distortion Based Robust and Blind Mesh Watermarking
Nilanjan Dey, Yesmine Ben Amar, Imen Trabelsi, and Salim Bouhlel
Genetic Algorithm for Restricted Maximum k-Satisfiability in the Hopfield Network
Mohd Shareduwan Bin Mohd Kasihmuddin, Mohd Asyraf Bin Mansor, and Saratha Sathasivam
Erythrocyte Features for Malaria Parasite Detection in Microscopic Images of Thin Blood Smear: A Review
Salam Shuleenda Devi, Shah Alam Sheikh, and Rabul Hussain Laskar
Temporal Information Processing and Stability Analysis of the MHSN Neuron Model in DDF
Saket Kumar Choudhary and Karan Singh
Push Recovery for Humanoid Robot in Dynamic Environment and Classifying the Data Using K-Mean
Anubha Parashar, Apoorva Parashar, and Somya Goyal
Feature Selection for Image Retrieval based on Genetic Algorithm
Rashmi Welekar and Preeti Kushwaha
Face Detection for Augmented Reality Application Using Boosting-based Techniques
Youssef Hbali, Lahoucine Ballihi, Mohammed Sadgal, and El Fazziki Abdelaziz
IJIMAI Editor's Note - Vol. 4 Issue 2
Elena Verdú
Improved Shape Parameter Estimation in Pareto Distributed Clutter with Neural Networks
Jesús Concepción Bacallao-Vidal and José Raúl Machado-Fernández
Analyzing the EEG Signals in Order to Estimate the Depth of Anesthesia using Wavelet and Fuzzy Neural Networks
Mansour Esmaeilpour and Ali Reis Ali Mohammadi