Volume 2, Issue 1 (2025) Special Issue on Artificial Intelligence and Social Application
A multi-agent system model to integrate Virtual Learning Environments and Intelligent Tutoring Systems
Cecilia Giuffra and Ricardo Silveria
A Case-based Reasoning Approach to Validate Grammatical Gender and Number Agreement in Spanish language
Jorge Bacca, Silvia Baldiris, Ramon Fabregat, and Cecilia Avila
GLOA: A New Job Scheduling Algorithm for Grid Computing
Zahra Pooranian, Mohammad Shojafar, Jemal Abawajy, and Mukesh Singhal
Engineering Education through eLearning technology in Spain
Javier Rainer, Juan Carlos Fernandez-Rodriguez, and Fernando Miralles-Muñoz
Efficient Measurement of the User Experience of Interactive Products. How to use the User Experience Questionnaire (UEQ).Example: Spanish Language Version
Maria Rauschenberger, Martin Schrepp, Manuel Perez-Cota, Siegfried Olschner, and Jörg Thomaschewski
Mining Social and Affective Data for Recommendation of Student Tutors
Elisa Boff and Berni Reategui
Confidentiality of 2D Code using Infrared with Cell-level Error Correction
Nobuyuki Teraura and Kouichi Sakurai
Improving the family orientation process in Cuban Special Schools trough Nearest Prototype classification
Y Villuendas-Rey, C Rey-Benguría, Y Caballero-Mota, and M M. García-Lorenzo
IJIMAI Editor’s Note - Vol. 2 Issue 1
Elisa Boff and Juan Pavón Mestras
BROA: An agent-based model to recommend relevant Learning Objects from Repository Federations adapted to learner profile
Paula Rodríguez, Valentina Tabares, Néstor Duque, Demetrio Ovalle, and Rosa Vicari