Volume 1, Issue 6 (2025) Special Issue on Intelligent Systems and Applications
Comparative Study on Feature Selection and Fusion Schemes for Emotion Recognition from Speech
Santiago Planet and Ignasi Iriondo
DEVELOP-FPS: a First Person Shooter Development Tool for Rule-based Scripts
Bruno Correia, Paulo Urbano, and Luís Moniz
Linked Data Methodologies for Managing Information about Television Content
José Luis Redondo-García, Vicente Botón-Fernández, and Adolfo Lozano-Tello
Improving Web Learning through model Optimization using Bootstrap for a Tour-Guide Robot
Rafael León, Javier Rainer, José Manuel Rojo, and Ramón Galán
O-ODM Framework for Object-Relational Databases
Carlos Alberto Rombaldo Jr., Solange N. Alves Souza, and de Luiz Sergio Souza
Conceptualizing the e-Learning Assessment Domain using an Ontology Network
Lucía Romero, Milagros Gutiérrez, and María Laura Caliusco
A Useful Metaheuristic for Dynamic Channel Assignment in Mobile Cellular Systems
Deepak Kumar Singh, K Srinivas, and D Bhagwan Das