Volume 1, Issue 1 (2025) Experimental Simulations
Fuzzy Logic Indoor Positioning System
Bernardo Gómez Bey and Roberto García Sánz
General purpose MDE tools
H Fernández-Fernández, Juan Manuel Cueva-Lovelle, Vicente García-Díaz, Cristina Pelayo G-Bustelo, Oscar Sanjuan-Martinez, and Elías Palacios-González
IMusic: a Bluetooth music application
Angel Aguilera-Manglano and Borja Sierra-Espín
AI Sport Forecast Software
Kiyomi Cerezo Takahashi
Iris recognition using the JAVAVis Library
Larrumbe Hidalgo, Martin García, and M Taboada-Lorenzo
Software fires detection and extinction for forest
de la Nuria Utande González Higuera and Juan Carlos García Seco
Intelligent Garbage Classifier
Alvaro Salmador, Javier Pérez Cid, and Ignacio Rodríguez-Novelle
EvoWild: a demosimulator about wild life
Macarena Mey Rodríguez and Eduardo Palacio Gayoso
Computer-aided diagnosis of pancreatic and lung cancer
Álvaro Núñez Díaz and Luis Lancho Tofé
ADT-3D Tumor Detection Assistant in 3D
Jaime García Castellot and Jaime Lazcano Bello
Social maturity of WWW and AI feedback: opportunities for an additional human revolution
Juan Luis Chulilla-Cano and Pilar Azagra Albericio