Most Recent Additions*
What Drives IoT-Based Smart Pet Appliances Usage Intention? The Perspective of the Unified Theory of Acceptance and Use of Technology Model
Chia-Chen Chen and Chia-Pei Lin
Evaluating the Impact of Pumping on Groundwater Level Prediction in the Chuoshui River Alluvial Fan Using Artificial Intelligence Techniques
Yu-Sheng Su, Yu-Cheng Hu, Yun-Chin Wu, and Ching-Teng Lo
The Human Motion Behavior Recognition by Deep Learning Approach and the Internet of Things
Li Hui, Liu Huayang, Zhao Wei, and Liu Hao
Constructing the Public Opinion Crisis Prediction Model Using CNN and LSTM Techniques Based on Social Network Mining
Lou Yan, Zhipeng Ren, Yong Zhang, Zhonghui Tao, and Yiwu Zhao
Editor's Note
Mu-Yen Chen and Patrick C. K. Hung
Predicting Consumer Electronics E-Commerce: Technology Acceptance Model and Logistics Service Quality
Cheng-Feng Wu, Kunkun Zhang, Meng-Chen Lin, and Chei-Chang Chiou
Chatbot-Based Learning Platform for SQL Training
Antonio Balderas, Rubén Baena-Pérez, Tatiana Person, José Miguel Mota, and Iván Ruiz-Rube
Modulating the Gameplay Challenge Through Simple Visual Computing Elements: A Cube Puzzle Case Study
Jose Ribelles, Angeles Lopez, and V. Javier Traver
Drug Target Interaction Prediction Using Machine Learning Techniques – A Review
A. Suruliandi, T. Idhaya, and S. P. Raja
Longitudinal Segmented Analysis of Internet Usage and Well-Being Among Older Adults
Alejandro Cervantes, David Quintana, Yago Saez, and Pedro Isasi
OBOE: an Explainable Text Classification Framework
Raúl A. del Águila Escobar, Mari Carmen Suárez-Figueroa, and Mariano Fernández-López
An Efficient Fake News Detection System Using Contextualized Embeddings and Recurrent Neural Network
Junaid Ali Reshi and Rashid Ali
KoopaML: A Graphical Platform for Building Machine Learning Pipelines Adapted to Health Professionals
Francisco García-Peñalvo, Andrea Vázquez-Ingelmo, Alicia García-Holgado, Jesús Sampedro-Gómez, Antonio Sánchez-Puente, Víctor Vicente-Palacios, P. Ignacio Dorado-Díaz, and Pedro L. Sánchez
Brain Tumor Classification Using a Pre-Trained Auxiliary Classifying Style-Based Generative Adversarial Network
M. Akshay Kumaar, Duraimurugan Samiayya, Venkatesan Rajinikanth, Durai Raj Vincent P M, and Seifedine Kadry
PeopleNet: A Novel People Counting Framework for Head-Mounted Moving Camera Videos
Tomar Ankit, Kumar Santosh, and Pant Bhasker
Comprehensive Evaluation of Matrix Factorization Models for Collaborative Filtering Recommender Systems
Jesús Bobadilla, Jorge Dueñas-Lerín, Fernando Ortega, and Abraham Gutiérrez
*Updated as of 03/13/25.